The Unknown History of MISANDRY - GREATEST HITS
If you read nothing but the few selected posts linked below you will have achieved a better understanding of the cultural situation we are in today than is possessed by 99.99% of the population....
View ArticleMangina & Feminist preparing to enter Utopia
Are you a properly conditioned, well-trained, politically correct and obedient “Good Man?” Then you want to be sure to avoid learning anything from the copious and carefully selected historical...
View ArticleThe Sh*t Heard Round the World: Germaine Greer’s Philosophy of Hate – 1970
The significance of the hugely influential 1970 book, The Female Eunuch, by Germaine Greer, is eloquently explained in this important article on the origins of the misandrist tyranny that we see...
View ArticleSophisticated Feminist Intellectuals Just LOVE “Critical Theory”
Most feminists have mastered the intricacies of Einstein’s theory of relativity, having taken a minimum of 24 hours of 300 level or higher Gender Studies courses. Unlike a patriarch, a well-educated...
View ArticleThe Original First Wives’ Clubs
Here is a sample of the sort of “first wives’ clubs” you will find when you explore the collection of “Husband-Killing Syndicates.” Most of these news accounts deal with Eastern European cases. Here is...
View ArticleGuadalupe Martinez de Bejarano, Sadistic Sexual Female Serial Killer of Girls...
FULL TEXT: If the world has ever produced a female possessed of more fiendish instincts than the Mexican widow, Guadalupe Martinez de Bejarano, the criminal records have failed to make any mention of...
View ArticleMaria Reyes, Mexico City Ogress Who Strangled Children for Her Pleasure - 1912
Maria Reyes (La Pescuecera) – The following narrative is adapted from Spanish language posts found on the internet (author unknown). The internet sources offer no sources. The accompanying...
View ArticleRosie the Racketeer : Exposed
“Feminism cares about controlling, dominating, destroying and extorting the men who pay Feminism’s bills. Everything else is window dressing.” — Suzanne McaCarley, 2013From the article:Suzanne...
View ArticleName it a hoax!
A new propaganda campaign called “Name The Problem,” devoted to covering up the fact that violence is not “gendered” has appeared on facebook (January 2013).Violence is not “gendered.” Yet here is the...
View Article’Soup Killer’ Thinks Life Term ‘Too Long’: Anna Louise Sullivan,...
FULL TEXT (Article 1 if 6): Milwaukee – Departing for the women's state prison today, Mrs. Anna Louise Sullivan, 50, remarked that she thought the life term imposed for the paris green murder of her...
View ArticleEsneda Ruiz Cataño, Colombian Black Widow - 2013
We present the latest addition to our collection of 144 Black Widow Serial Killers. The widow Ruiz is also featured the our roguess’s gallery of images, Female Serial Killers of the 21st Century....
View ArticleLuisa de Jesus, Portuguese Serial Killer of 28 Babies - 1772
Luisade Jesus, born in 1750, was a Portuguese “baby farmer.” She would take in abandoned babies and receive a fee 600reisplus clothesfor the child and afterwards poison them so that she could keep the...
View ArticleColeen Ann Harris, California Double Black Widow - 2013
In 1985 Coleen Batten killed her second husband, James Roger Batten, 46, with a shotgun blast to the chest at their home in Placerville, California. The body showed signs that he had been beaten. She...
View ArticleMiss Oaks, aka “Maria Graindorge,” Paternity Fraud Racketeer – 1873
FULL TEXT: An American adventuress, named as Maria Graindorge, has been arrested in Paris on the following charge of impudent and ingenious swindling : — She appeared, well-dressed, and with a handsome...
View ArticleLydia Locke’s Jazz Age “Empowerment” - 1925
FULL TEXT: Four men wished to marry lovely Lydia Locke, the opera singer, and settle down. They all married her, but nobody settled down for a minute, except hubby number one, who did so permanently,...
View ArticleElizabeth Martin’s Paternity Fraud: New York, 1903
FULL TEXT: The New York police are after Mrs. McLeod Martin [Mrs. Elizabeth Starr Keefer Martin], wife of a prominent physician. She will be prosecuted for fraud. Last May she left her husband, and six...
View ArticleJohanna Smith’s Paternity Fraud – New York, 1903
FULL TEXT: When Gregorio di Lorenzo of the Seventh Regiment Band discovered that Johanna Smith had imposed upon him with a borrowed baby in order to induce him to make her Mrs. di Loreno, he didn’t...
View ArticleChild Kidnapping for Paternity Fraud - London, 1817
FULL TEXT: Child Stealing– It appears that the female convicted of the above crime at the late Old Bailey Sessions [the court in London], for a short period “strutted and fretted” her hour upon the...
View ArticleAnnie Wetmore’s Paternity Fraud Scheme – New York, 1893
FULL TEXT: The name of Annie K. Wetmore is well known to the police and courts of this [New York] and other cities, and a mere mention of her brings up a flood of recollections.Her life has been marked...
View ArticleFlorence Miami Blood’s Paternity Fraud Scam – Minnesota, 1892
FULL TEXT: New York, Aug. 9.—The World prints the following remarkable story involving the name of a prominent St. Paul young man:Florence Miami Blood was a very pretty girl three years ago. She is...
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