The illustration above is taken from a 1931 newspaper article about the Alimony Racket. Are you surprised that such a sentiment would have been publicly stated back in the days when, as you have been told, the "patriarchy" was busy beating, raping and enslaving every woman in sight? We have all been conned -- big time. "Herstory" is a hoax.
If you ever took a class in school or college that offered a “herstory” of the relations between the sexes (called by Marxists “the genders”) which did not give you the sort of information that is included in the following original-source articles on the copiously documented history of the larcenous Alimony Racket* then you ought to conclude that your teacher is a con-artist, who stole your (or your family's) money and fed you lies, distortions, and half-truths. You deserve to get your money back (whether tuition or taxes).
If you ever took a class in school or college that offered a “herstory” of the relations between the sexes (called by Marxists “the genders”) which did not give you the sort of information that is included in the following original-source articles on the copiously documented history of the larcenous Alimony Racket* then you ought to conclude that your teacher is a con-artist, who stole your (or your family's) money and fed you lies, distortions, and half-truths. You deserve to get your money back (whether tuition or taxes).
The orthodox (politically correct) narrative is a fraud, a hoax, a sham and its promulgators are violators of human rights.
(*Alimony Racket, the term, refers not to justifiable alimony, but rather to the long-practiced rackets perpetrated by predatory women against men they deliberately schemed to make into their indentured servants through scams and frauds.)
There is an awful lot of reading material here. How to deal with such a pile of information? My humble recommendation is that if you want to join the Great Awakening and make a contribution to the growing and epic fight for liberty against tyranny, then you should shut-off the God-damned TV, skip the God-damned video games and get to work educating yourself. Quantity and details matter, especially when you are in confrontation with indoctrinated zombies.
Honest history is a weapon. Learn it well and use it well. Freedom is not a spectator sport.
Ethel Stewart Elliott, Champion Alimony Queen & Shopaholic Extraordinaire – 1911
Can’t Pay Alimony, Faces Jail For Life: David Goldhaber –1919
An Anti-Alimony Organization Attempted in the U.S. – 1912
Alimony Debtor’s Prison in New York City - 1913
100 years ago: Insurance Against Alimony Slavery - 1914
Death by Alimony: The torments of John F. Wacker – New York, 1915
Alimony Debtor’s Prison in New York City - 1913
100 years ago: Insurance Against Alimony Slavery - 1914
Death by Alimony: The torments of John F. Wacker – New York, 1915
Alimony Racketeering in the Social Justice Paradise of the Soviet Union – 1926
Orland Blake, Chicago Alimony Slave - 1927
Orland Blake, Chicago Alimony Slave - 1927
Early Men’s Rights Writings by C. M. Castellazzo – 1927 (a prophetic text)
"A Dictatorship of the Eternal Woman Has Been Declared": The Soviet Alimony Racket - 1927 (An absolute “must read”)
Alimony: “One of the Most Despicable Forms of Barter that Can Exchange Human Hands” - 1927 (by a female author)
The "Defaulting Woman" (Alimony Racket) - 1927 (by a female author)
"Marriage for Alimony Only" - 1928 (by a female author)
"The Great Woman's Industry": Alimony - 1931(by a female author)
"Foe of the Gold-Diggers!" Anti-Misandry Activist- Mrs. Gompers - 1932 (female activist)
The Alimony Racket: "Matrimonial Grafters" in 1933(by a female author)
Brooklyn Judge Paul Bonygne: Freer of Alimony Slaves from Debtor’s Prison - 1933
Brooklyn Judge Paul Bonygne: Freer of Alimony Slaves from Debtor’s Prison - 1933
Mrs. Rose Fox vs. The Alimony Racket - 1934 (female activist)
“Quick Divorce, Easy Money": The Alimony Racket - 1937 (by a female author)
Kathleen Norris on The Alimony Racket in 1937 (by a female author)
Female Anti-Misandry Legislator: Gladys Stewart - 1937 (female activist)
The Alimony Racket: A Second Wife's Point of View - 1937 (by a female author)
Let the Taxpayers Pay the Alimony? - 1937
“Alimony has become a racket.” Says Actress and ActivistSpring Byington - 1937 (female activist)
Let the Taxpayers Pay the Alimony? - 1937
“Alimony has become a racket.” Says Actress and ActivistSpring Byington - 1937 (female activist)
The Alimony Racket: A “Cruel And Unjust And Medieval Status”- 1939 (by a female author)
The Alimony Racket: “The Lowest Holdup Game Ever Practiced”- 1944 (by a female author)
Kathleen Norris on The Alimony Racket in 1946 (by a female author)
“Alimony Hold-Ups”: A Woman’s View in 1951 (by a female author)
Alimony: An American Tragedy - 1952 (by a female author)
Alimony Slavery in 1954 (by a female author)