Doris Warner Knox, “Allotment Annie” War Bride Fraudster – Ohio, 1947
FULL TEXT: A 25-year-old former Dayton woman who “didn’t realize I had to divorce one husband before I married another” was given a year's probation in U. S. District Court Monday. Doris Warner Knox,...
View ArticleAnn Ambra, “Allotment Annie” War Bride Fraudster – Florida, 1944
FULL TEXT: For a 19-year-old girl, Mrs. Ann Ambra, of Sarasota and Bristol, has had her quota of husbands but the F. B. I. and the U. S. marshal’s office yesterday put an end to the series by placing...
View ArticleLinda Thompson, “Allotment Annie” War Bride Hoaxer – Colorado, 1947
FULL TEXT: Pueblo – Accused of having three husbands without any divorces and of illegally procuring and cashing government allotment checks, 17-year-old Linda Thompson is being held in jail following...
View ArticleGoldie Mabel Gill, “Allotment Annie” Military Bride Fraudster – Nevada, 1945
FULL TEXT: Goldie Mabel Gill found out yesterday that being married to two servicemen at the same time can lead to considerable trouble when it comes to allotment checks. Whether or not it was a...
View ArticleDoris Marie Spring, “Allotment Annie” War Marriage Fraudster – Missouri, 1944
FULL TEXT: St. Louis, Feb. 15. – Doris Marie Spring, 28, of East Lynne, Conn., an attractive blonde who said she married four men in four states within two years without bothering about divorces,...
View ArticleWinifred Jones, “Allotment Annie”: War Bride Fraudster – Michigan, 1950
FULL TEXT: Mrs. Winifred Jones, 22, arrested Friday by federal bureau of investigation agents in a Lake Bluff, pleaded not guilty yesterday before United States Commissioner Edwin K. Walker to a charge...
View ArticleGladys Wojtowicz, War Bride Hoaxer – Kentucky, 1944
FULL TEXT: An attractive telephone switchboard operator, Gladys Wojtowicz, 227 E. Jacob, was arraigned in Federal Court here [Louisville, Ky.] yesterday. She was charged with defrauding the Government...
View ArticleEdith Ray Clark, “Allotment Annie” War Bride Fraudster – Alabama, 1944
FULL TEXT: Sheriff B. G. Farmer said today evidence had been uncovered that an undetermined number of Negro women in Dothan are receiving dependency checks from more than one soldier and investigation...
View ArticleRose Mary Lee, “Allotment Annie” Military Bride Fraudster – Indiana, 1945
FULL TEXT: South Bend, Ind., Dec. 22 – Mrs. Rose Mary Lee, 21, former Michigan City waitress, charged with violating the service men’s dependency allotment act, was in jail here today after failing to...
View ArticleMrs. Earl E. McComb and the “Service Wives Allotment Racket” – California, 1955
FULL TEXT: A probe into a GI marriage racket in Long Beach was launched Monday by the District Attorney’s office in an effort to crack down on service “brides” who collect government allotments under...
View ArticleBetty Means Slater, “Allotment Annie,” War Bride Fraudster – California, 1945
FULL TEXT: While police and FBI agents tried to unravel her apparently tangled marital situation, Mrs. Betty Means Slater, 23, of 2191 El Sereno Avenue, is being held in jail. She was arrested last...
View ArticleMrs. Loyal Shufflebarger Was Not Really Very Loyal: She Was a War-Marriage...
NOTE: The term “Allotment Annie” was used during World War II and afterwards to describe the women who practiced this particular scam.***PHOTO CAPTION: Mrs. Loyal Shufflebarger is in jail in Reno,...
View ArticleEunice Carra Donna, a WW II “Allotment Annie” Predator Upon Servicemen - 1945
FULL TEXT: Philadelphia, March 26 – A 29-year-old brunette admitted at a federal hearing that she had married six times, four bigamously – but hubby No. 6 insisted today “I love her and I’m sticking by...
View ArticleVivian Eggers, Bigamist War Bride Hoaxer – Ohio, 1943
FULL TEXT: Cincinnati, Aug. 28 – A bond-haired, 34-year-old mother awaited extradition to Arizona today after admitting to FBI agents she was married to seven soldiers “without bothering to divorce any...
View ArticleGrace Vivian Reinert, Fake War Bride Bigamist – Washington, D. C., 1943
EXCERPT: Grace Vivian Reinert of Washington, D. C., who is one of the girls, says it’s really much simpler than that.“The girls figure that they’re making the boys happy and that before the war is over...
View ArticleIrene Muriel Vivian Hornby, Canadian “Allotment Annie” with 5 Husbands - 1943
FULL TEXT: Montreal, Feb. 22. – Accused of marrying five men here in the last 10 years, and of drawing Army separation pay for three of them, Irene Muriel Vivian Hornsby, 26, pleaded guilty today to...
View ArticleElma Jane Beck Weaver List, Fake War Bride Fraudster, Florida, 1948
FULL TEXT: Miami – Federal Judge John W. Holland found Friday that a 20-year-old dancer charged with taking allotments from two servicemen at the same time is guilty only of juvenile delinquency.Mrs....
View ArticleAlicia Edith Southall, War Bride Fraudster – California, 1945
FULL TEXT: Hayward, Dec. 24. – Mrs. Alicia Edith Southall, 18, of 9533 A Street, was held in the Alameda County jail today for investigation of bigamy and fraudulently cashing a serviceman’s allotment...
View ArticleRegina Sawyer, Bigamous Military Bride Fraudster – Pennsylvania, 1919
FULL TEXT: Husbands are being called to rally round the courtroom next Friday morning when “Mrs. Regina Sawyer,” whose untimely arrest yesterday halted her fifth marriage to a United States military...
View Article“Oxford Skeleton Black Widow,” Executed, Murdered 4 of Her 10 Husbands –...
Although this case was reported in newspapers in 1841 for its curiosity value we cannot assume that the execution was of recent date.***FULL TEXT: In the anatomy school at Oxford, England, among other...
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