Inez Burk, 16-Year-Old Murderess – Indiana, 1915
FULL TEXT: At five o’clock Wednesday evening the grand jury returned a truer bill for manslaughter against Miss Inez Burk, who has confessed to killing her mother, Mrs. Archie McClain, a week ago last...
View ArticleDarlene Rainer, 14-Year-Old Murderess – Texas, 1959
FULL TEXT: Houston, May 16 – Machinist George Rainer wept softly as he talked of his daughter, a pretty choir who took her mother’s life with a shotgun.“I never had a minute’s trouble with that girl,”...
View ArticleMadeline Kirkland, 11-Year-Old Murderess – New York, 1944
FULL TEXT: Madeline Kirkland, a Negro girl of 11, stood in Homicide Court yesterday and with a bored air read a newspaper account of a murder. Finally, she looked up. “The paper’s all wrong,” she said....
View ArticleGloria Utter, 3-Year-Old Murderess – Colorado, 1930
FULL TEXT: Denver, Aug. 4. – Six-year-old Rose May Etheridge was dead here today, slain by a three-year-old playmate during a quarrel over a rag doll.“Rose May stole my rag doll – so I shot her,” was...
View ArticleKatherine Oka Simmon, 13-Year-Old Murderess – Canada, 1913
FULL TEXT: Prince Albert, Sask., Dec. 1 – Katherine Oka Simmon, aged 13 years, was today convicted of murdering her 9-year-old playmate, Julia Jenex, on the afternoon of June 21 last. The jury was out...
View ArticleGrace Newell, 6-Year-Old Murderess – New York, 1897
FULL TEXT: Plattsburgh, N. Y., May 12. – A horrible case of infantile brutality has just come to light here. Grace Newell, aged six years, living with her parents on the Miller Road, about five miles...
View ArticleElizabeth Stang, 10-Year-Old Would Be Murderess – 1868, Chicago
FULL TEXT: From the Chicago Journal of the 20th, we extract the following particulars of a fearful tragedy, information of which we have already published in our telegraphic columns:Residing at No. 340...
View ArticleLaura Smith, 15-Year-Old Murderess – Maryland, 1982
FULL TEXT: Easton, Md., Jan. 9. – Laura Smith, a fifteen-year-old colored girl, was arrested charged with poisoning her father. The girl declares that the poison was intended for her brother, who had...
View ArticleCatherine Manz, Poisoned Her Sister Because Her Dresses Were Prettier –...
FULL TEXT: MASSILLON, O., March 19. No trace had been found to-night of 16-year-old Catherine Alice Manz, who disappeared from her home here yesterday and whose sister, Elizabeth Manz, was found dead...
View ArticleMay Pierce, 13-Year-Old Murderess – Michigan, 1895
FULL TEXT: Grand Rapids, Mich., July 9. – Mrs. Levi Pierce, over 60 years of age, was found lifeless in her home, two and one-half miles southwest of Berlin, yesterday. She had been strangled to death....
View ArticlePatricia Kirk, 5-Year-Old Murderess – New York, 1961
FULL TEXT: WALTON, N. Y. – A 5-year- old girl clubbed her younger sister to death with a toilet-seat cover less than a month after the younger child had been found crammed in an earthenware crock, a...
View ArticleEliza Sudds, 15-Year-Old Would-Be Murderess – Ohio, 1880
FULL TEXT: Cleveland, October 20. – A strange case of youthful depravity came to light here to-day. Eliza Sudds, fifteen years old, a domestic employed in the family of J. J. Crooks, her eighteen...
View ArticleCora Hicks, 11-Year-Old Murderess – North Carolina, 1890
FULL TEXT: Durham, Reb. 21. – Cora Hicks, a negro girl about 13 years old, is in jail upon the charge of committing a most inhuman crime. The charge against her is that she threw a colored child she...
View ArticleLynne Partee, 14-Year-Old Murderess – Tennessee, 1968
FULL TEXT: Memphis, Tenn. – Thomas Hal Partee, 16, a victim of cerebral palsy since birth, was stabbed to death at his home in Memphis Monday night.Homicide officers said his sister, Lynn Partee, 14,...
View ArticleEliza Sudds, 15-Year-Old Would-Be Murderess – Ohio, 1880
FULL TEXT: Cleveland, October 20. – A strange case of youthful depravity came to light here to-day. Eliza Sudds, fifteen years old, a domestic employed in the family of J. J. Crooks, her eighteen...
View ArticleMarie Anderson, 15-Year-Old Would-Be Murderess – Iowa, 1899
FULL TEXT: Marie Anderson, the 15-year-old adopted daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson, of this city, has confessed that she put poison in the coffee of her parents a week ago, with the intention...
View ArticleAlice Richard, 14-Years Old, Murdered Her Twin Sister – Fresno, 1950
FULL TEXT: A slender, 14-year-old Fresno girl shot and killed her twin sister early yesterday “because,” she told officers, “I hated her.”“I have wanted to kill her for a long time,” Alice Richard told...
View ArticlePearl Silverman, 18-Years-Old, Murdered Her 11-Year-Old Brother – New Jersey,...
FULL TEXT: An 11-year-old Jersey City boy was found bludgeoned to death with a hammer in his home last night. Police hunted his attractive 18-year-old sister as the slayer. The murdered boy was Albert...
View ArticleJoyce Christine Nichols, 13-Year-Old Rapist-Murderess – California, 1947
FULL TEXT: Bakersfield, Nov. 19. – Breaking into tears under questioning, 13-year-old Joyce Christine Nichols admitted today, authorities said, that she killed blonde Myretta Jones, 5, with a rock last...
View ArticleElizabeth McDonald, 14-Year-Old Murderess (Would-be Serial Killer?) –...
FULL TEXT: After an examination of more than an hour by police officials and juvenile probation officer New F. Hoyt of the Chelsea District Court, 14-year-old Elizabeth McDonald of 2 Shawmut pl.,...
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