Juliet Hulme: born Nov. 28, 1938; 15 y. 7 mo. at time of murder.
Pauline Yvonne Parker: born May 26, 1938; 15 y. 11 mo. at time of murder.
FULL TEXT: Wellington. — Amazing extracts from the alleged diary of a girl, charged with murdering her mother, were read in Christchurch Magistrate’s Court on Friday.
The diary formed part of a story of passionately affectionate friendship between two teen-age girls.
The girls are Pauline Yvonne Parker and Juliet Marion Hulme, both aged 16 [sic].
They were charged with murdering Pauline’s mother, Honora Mary Parker, in a Christchurch park on June 22 a few minutes after having afternoon tea with her in the park kiosk.
~ Committed ~
They were committed for trial by the Supreme Court after a day-long hearing. A man who said he had lived for 23 years with the dead woman told the court their daughter had formed an intense friendship for the other girl, who, with her father, was to have sailed for England a few weeks after the alleged murder.
Detective MacDonald Brown told the court that after Pauline Parker was arrested at Dr. Hulme’s residence, he went to the Parker residence and took possession of a diary in her bedroom.
Detective Brown read extracts from a diary entry dated 13/2/1954: — “Why could not mother die? Dozens, thousands of people are dying, why could not mother and father, too.”
Entry dated 28/6, read: — “Anger against mother boiling inside me, as she is the main obstacle in my path.”
Entry dated 30/4 read:— I did not tell Deborah my plans for removing mother. The last fate I should wish to meet is years in Borstal — I wish to make it appear accidental.”
Entry dated 19/6 referred to a plan “to murder mother” and added, “naturally we are a trifle nervous, but elation is great.”
Entry 20/6 was: — “Afterward we discussed our plans for murdering mother and made them clear, but peculiarly enough I have no qualms of conscience — or is it peculiar.”
The last entry, dated 21/6 was: — “Deborah rang and we discussed a brick in a stocking, instead of a sandbag. Mother has fallen in with the plans beautifully. Feel quite keyed up.”
Entry 22/6 (date of alleged murder) was: — “I felt very excited last night and sort of nightbeforeChristmassy, but I did not have pleasant dreams.”
~ “Happy Event” ~
Detective Brown said the diary of that day was headed “The happy event.” In earlier evidence, Mrs. Hilda Hulme said her daughter was known to Pauline as “Deborah” and Pauline became “Gina.” Police gave evidence that Juliet Hulme made two statements when inter viewed after the death of Mrs. Parker. In the first statement Juliet detailed events lead ing to the visit to the park. “Pauline and I had been writing novels for some time,” Juliet said.
“In our plots we often discussed murders and might well have done so at Pauline”s place before we left home.”
~ “Suitable Place” ~
In her second statement Juliet Hulme said she had wanted Pauline to go to South Africa with her. They both decided to go with Mrs. Parker to the park as it would be a suitable place to discuss the matter and “have it out.” She gave a brick to Pauline, who put it in a stocking.
Juliet said that in the park she had been walking ahead, expecting Mrs. Parker to be attacked. According to her state ment she saw Pauline hit Mrs. Parker with the brick in the stocking. “I took the stocking and hit her too — I was terrified,” she said in the statement. “After the first blow I knew it would be necessary for us to kill her.
~ “Could Not Stop” ~
Senior Detective Mac Donald Brown said Pauline Parker in a statement, had said that she hit her mother with a half -brick inside the foot of a stocking. “I took them with me for that purpose,” the girl said. “As soon as I had started to strike my mother, I regretted it, but I could not stop then.”
Herbert Reiper, company manager told the court that he had lived with the dead woman for 23 years. She had been known as Mrs. Reiper. Three children had been born to them. The accused, Pauline, was the second child. She became intensely friendly with Juliet Hulme at Christchurch Girls’ High School. He had discussed with Juliet’s father. Dr. Hulme, the girls’ intense affection for each other, and as a result Pauline had been taken to a doctor by her mother.
~ Girls’ “Plan” ~
Mrs. Hilda Marion Hulme said her daughter Juliet and Pauline had planned to go to America together to have their books published. When the girls’ plan was discovered, it was decided to take Juliet to South Africa. Dr. Colin Thomas Busby Pearson, pathologist, said he had examined the body of Mrs. Parker and found 45 injuries, some minor, but many serious.
Showing no sign of emotion, both girls left the dock smiling and chatting. Neither was asked to make a plea.
[“Amazing Diary At Murder Charge Against Two Girls,” The Chronicle (Adelaide, Australia), Jul. 22, 1954, p. 2]