FULL TEXT: Wichita, Kan., Jan. 15. – Eleven-year-old Nellie Corneilson cut the throat of her three-year-old sister yesterday and the child died.
The girl lays the blame upon her brother, Harvey, who is aged, five. The latter, however, says it was his sister, and the father told the police he believed the story of the son, since it would have been almost impossible for the smaller child to have committed the deed.
[“Little Girl Kills Her Baby Sister,” The Morning Post (Raleigh, N. C.), Jan. 16, 1902, p. 1]
FULL TEXT: Wichita, Jan. 15. – Nellie Corneilson, the twelve-year-old girl, who killed her baby sister with a razor yesterday and charged her five-year-old brother with the crime, confessed today that she did it, but was unable to assign any reason for the act.
[“Deadly Youthful Depravity.” The St. Paul Globe (Mn.), Jan. 16, 1902, p. 5]