When a female rival appeared on the scene she had her killed and sent the body, cut into pieces, to the murdered woman's father, whom she also caused to be assassinated.
316 BC – Queen Olympias– Macedonia
Proxy violence (murders by command) committed with excessive cruelty against female rival and her child as well as hundreds of others.
1868 – Ann Gaillard Delpech– Montauban, France
1871 – “Dahr-al-Ahmur Serial Killer”– Dahr-al-Ahmur, Lebanon
kidnapped, poisoned and cut up 8 children to get even with a “rival in love”
1879 – Marie Bleirs– Vienna, Austria
1879 – Annie Tooke– Exeter, England
1908 – Belle Gunness– LaPorte, Indiana, USA
1910 – Elizabeth Ashmead– Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1910 – Elizabeth Ashmead– Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1911 – Clementine Barnabet (Barnebet) – Lafayette, Louisiana
Human sacrifice cult – “Usually the head of the family would be marked for slaughter and every person found in the house when the members of the cult descended upon it would be killed. All the victims were hiorribly mutilated. Heads and limbs would be separated from the torsos and sttrewn all over the house. From the Barnabet woman’s story it is evident that whenever every spark of life in the cottage had been extinguished and the degenerates had completed their work of dismemberment the slayers participated in a ‘sacrificial ceremony.’” [“Forty Murders Charged To Her - Negro Fiend Makes Startling Confession. - Admits Killing 17 Persons - Fanatic Says She Sought in This Way to Gain Immortality. – Heads ‘Church of Sacrifice,’” The Hartford Herald (Ky.), Apr. 10, 1912, p. 2]
Clementine, testifying in court, “told how the four pickininnies on the floor started to cry out and how with stealthy tread she approached their trundle beds and swing her ax killed two with one blow and then lay about her with quick swings hacking the bodies of the two remaining children until they were scattered in bits about the room.” [“Creole Tells Of Murdering Ten - Eighteen-Year-Old-Girl Admits Splitting Open Victims Heads With An Axe - Laughs While Relating Acts - Confessed Criminal Declares She Slew Because People Refused to Obey Message From God - Alleged Utterings of Voodoo Doctor.” The Mahoning Dispatch (Canfield, Oh.), Dec. 1, 1911, p. 2]
1910 – Elizabeth Ashmead– Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
1938 – Mary Eleanor Smith– USA
1941 – Felícitas Sánchez Aguillón– Mexico City, Mexico
1989 – Sara María Aldrete– Matamoros, Mexico
1996 – Astini– Sutabaya, East Java, Indonesia – mutilate
2001 – Anjanabi Gavit– Pune, Maharashtra,India
2002 – Karen Lee Huster – Canoga Park, California, USA
She is suspected of 3 murders. She shot her 9-year-old daughter in the head and threw parts of it into the Pacific Ocean from a boat chartered for whale watching.
“Preliminary autopsy results on body parts found in Huster’s San Fernando Valley apartment failed to determine a cause of death or the identity of the victim.” [AP, “No murder charges against woman with remains in freezer,” The Berkekey Daily Planet (Ca.), Nov. 15, 2000]
2012 – Miyoko Sumida– Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
2014 – Pornchanok Chaiyapa – Thailand – 2 victims only (second was dismembered)
2015 – Elena Lobacheva– Moscow, Russia
1610 – Elizabeth Bathory– Hungary – sadistically murdered a large number of girls, perhaps hundreds, torturing them and biting off parts of their bodies. The legend that she bathed in the blood to preserve her youth is false. The reality of the “Blood Countess’s” perversions was much worse than the legend. (Serial Killer).
1850 – Canadian Indian Cannibal Serial Killer– Her victims included two men, two women, three boys, and four girls, and she subsisted for some time upon their flesh. (Serial Killer).
1856 – Elizabeth Cahy– Hobarton, Australia – attacked a woman, chewing off a portion of her brow.
1850 – Canadian Indian Cannibal Serial Killer– Her victims included two men, two women, three boys, and four girls, and she subsisted for some time upon their flesh. (Serial Killer).
1856 – Elizabeth Cahy– Hobarton, Australia – attacked a woman, chewing off a portion of her brow.
1892 – Miss Akkerman – Bessarabia (Moldova) – house guest who murdered two of her hosts’ children, and was caught eating the corpse of one of them.
1893 – Ann Bennett– Croydon, England – liked to attack women, biting pieces off of them.
1892 – “Chihuaha Cannibal Female Serial Killer”– Chihuaha, Mexico – kidnapped children and ate them. The locals’ punishment of her was a weird one. (Serial Killer).
1903 – “Cairo Cannibal Female Serial Killer”– Cairo, Egypt – kidnapped, murdered, cooked and ate numerous children. (Serial Killer)
1910 – Esteis Liberis– Barahona, Haiti – voodoo practitioner who ritually sacrificed and ate children. (Serial Killer)
1912 – Enriqueta Marti– Barcelona, Spain – grabbed street children, hired them out to pedophiles and murdered them, cooking their corpses to make “love potions.” (Serial Killer).
1912 – Ivanova & Olda Tamarin– Kurdla, Estonia – mother and 17-year old daughter; leaders of a large gang; daughter lured victims to the Tamarin home where they were robbed and murdered and cannibalized. 27 corpses were found. (Serial Killer).
1941 – Leonarda Cianciulli– Reggio Emilia, Italy – murdered and cooked 3 women, making cakes and soaps from their flesh. (Serial Killer).
1912 – Enriqueta Marti– Barcelona, Spain – grabbed street children, hired them out to pedophiles and murdered them, cooking their corpses to make “love potions.” (Serial Killer).
1912 – Ivanova & Olda Tamarin– Kurdla, Estonia – mother and 17-year old daughter; leaders of a large gang; daughter lured victims to the Tamarin home where they were robbed and murdered and cannibalized. 27 corpses were found. (Serial Killer).
1941 – Leonarda Cianciulli– Reggio Emilia, Italy – murdered and cooked 3 women, making cakes and soaps from their flesh. (Serial Killer).
1963 – Magdalena Solis – Villagran, Mexico
“The high point of the assembly was drinking of their victims’ blood mixed with chicken blood in sacrificial goblets. One ritual, consisting of a beating, burning, and machete hacking, was witnessed by an outsider who happened upon the scene.”
1981 – Anna Zimmerman– Germany – murdered boyfriend, cut him into pieces, stored in freezer and cooked them to serve to her children.
1983 – Philippa Mdluli– Swaziland – cannibal chef.
1983 – Philippa Mdluli– Swaziland – cannibal chef.
1991 – Omaima Aree Nelson– Costa Mesa, California – murdered, cooked and ate husband, boasting of her recipes.
1993 – Carolyn Gloria Blanton; legally changed name to Jane Lynn Woodry – Alamosa, Colorado – Blanton shot boyfriend Peter Michael Greene four times with a revolver, dismembered his body, wrapped his torso in a blanket, and stored it in a closet in his home, but took the legs home to her kitchen. She took Bite-sized chunks from his legs and cooked a stew with them.
1995 – Filita Mashilipa– Zambia – prosecuted as a witch who killed and ate six of her own children in order to gain magical powers (Serial Killer).
1996 – Lyudmila Spesivtsev– Novosibirsk, Siberia – with son, Sasha, killed an estimated 32 teenage girls, who were raped by the son and cut up and cooked by the mother.
1997 – Agnes Pandy– Brussels, Belgium – with serial killer father, Andras, murdered and ate women – (Serial Killer).
1997 – Agnes Pandy– Brussels, Belgium – with serial killer father, Andras, murdered and ate women – (Serial Killer).
2000 – Katherine Mary Knight– Aberdeen, NSW, Australia – a woman who had a long history of violence who murdered her husband, dismembered his corpse and cooked portions to be served in a diabolical ritual meal to his unwitting children.
2002 – Valentina Dolbilina – Manturovo, Russia – with her husband murdered a woman, cooked and ate her.
2002 – “Zhytomyr Cannibal Female Serial Killer”– Zhytomyr, Ukraine – 3 men and a woman were accused of murdering and cannibalizing up to six people.
2005 – “Krasny Sulin Female Cannibal”– Krasny Sulin, Russia – woman (name not disclosed) and her two young adult sons murdered a neighbor then cooked and ate his body.
2008 – Ms. Jabarkhel– Kabul, Afghanistan – kidnapped and partially ate an 8-year-old girl.
2009 – Klara Mauerova– Brno, Czech Republic – cult member mother tortured her two young sons mercilessly over a period of six months. She sliced off pieces of one of the boys’ skin and served the flash to other cult members and forced the victim to eat portions of his own mutilated body.
2009 – Olesya Mostovschikova– Irkutsk, Siberia, Russia – murdered a female friend with an axe and with another female friend cooked at ate portions of the corpse. Olesya made a chilling detailed confession of her actions.
2009 – “Sunday”– Southern Sudan – mother who planned to eat her own newborn but ran off when the child was rescued was caught eating the corpse of another child.
2009 – Otty Sanchez – San Antonio, Texas – murdered her baby and ate portions of the child.
2012 – Bruna Oliveira da Silviera & Isabel Cristina Pires da Silviera– Garanhuns, Pernambuco state, Brazil – two women suspected, along with Seňor da Silviera, of murdering, cooking and eating parts of 10 young women. Some were made into food sold to villagers. The three belong to a cult that promotes depopulation. (Serial Killers).
2012 – “Chiang Mai, Thailand Mother” – Chiang Mai, Thailand – butchered and ate her two young sons – aged 1 and 5 – has claimed she was hallucinating and thought they were pigs.