FULL TEXT: Jesse Julius, 50 years old, a colored man, was not married to Alice Watford, 40 years old and twice a widow, yesterday although the license was secured and everything was in readiness for the ceremony.
Walking in to the office of the Clerk of the Courts Harry H. Holt yesterday at noon. Julius asked the accommodating clerk if he could return the license, which he had secured on Wednesday.
“Why certainly,” quoth the clerk, “but why is it necessary and what caused the postponement of the wedding?”
“Well, I’ve found out that the woman has already killed two husbands, and I am not going to give her the chance to do away with me.”
After thanking the clerk for taking the license back and remarking upon his narrow escape, Julius left the office wearing a smile that showed his keen happiness over escaping the alliance.
[“Woman Has Killed Two Husbands; Julius Afraid – Colored Man Declares He Was Unwilling to Become the Third Victim of His Prospective Bride.” Daily Press (Newport News, Va.), Oct. 23, 1908, p. 6]
For links to other cases of woman who murdered 2 or more husbands (or paramours), see Black Widow Serial Killers.