Two different obverse images of broadside ballads have been placed online which refer to a couple from Copenhagen who murdered 23 babies. The perpetrators’ names are not given. Library markings indicate publication in 1860 and 1861. The latter example refers to the secret execution of the woman.
It would appear that this is a baby farmer serial killer case. Thus far, no English language newspaper reports have been located. For the time being this case will be listed as “Copenhagen Baby Farm Couple.”
Cover texts from the two broadsides:
(1860): A sad song about the murder of 23 innocent children,committed in Copenhagen of a cruel orphan-killer[En sørgelig Vise om Mordet paa 23 uskyldige Børn,begaaet i Kjøbenhavn af en grusom Pleiemoder]
(1861): New ballad about the gruesome murderess,there exterminated 23 orphans with her husband as accomplice,with a report on the crimesand remarks about about the woman’s secret execution in the penitentiary [Ny Vise om den græsselige Morderske,der ombragte 23 Pleiebørn i Forening med sin Mand,samt Beretning om denne Udaadog Noget om hendes hemmelige Henrettelse i Tugthuset]
[Source: “Skillingsviser - billeder fra 1860 til 1869,” Særsamlinger, 2001]
For more cases of “Baby Farmers,” professional child care providers who murdered children see The Forgotten Serial Killers.
For more cases of “Baby Farmers,” professional child care providers who murdered children see The Forgotten Serial Killers.
Links to more Serial Killer Couples