FULL TEXT: Chicago, Aug. 11. – Is there a wholesale poisoner in Kenwood?
There have been sudden and mysterious deaths in the Herrick family and the sleuths of the law are now investigating.
Deaths in Herrick household:
Edward P. Herrick, Aug. 9, 1900.
Mrs. E. P. Herrick (first wife), Aug. 2, 1899.
Mrs. Cordelia Fontinoe (a niece), Aug. 11, 1899.
Seriously ill, but recovered
Mrs. E. T. Herrick (son’s wife), Sept., 1899.
The children of Edward P. Herrick demanded a legal investigation. A post mortem examination was held. Dr. Springer was not prepared to say he found poison, but he suspected it. Young Mr. Herrick furnished $100 for a further chemical test.
Mr. Limeburner, later the second, Mrs. Herrick and now the widow in the case, first appeared on the Herrick family scenes in March, 1899, when through an advertisement she was engaged as a servant.
During the months following, reverses overtook Herrick and these were followed on Aug. 2, 1899, by the death of his wife. A niece, Mrs. Cornelle Fontinoe, came to attend the funeral of her aunt, and while staying at the house was taken ill and died on Aug. 11.
In the following month the wife of Edward Herrick, the son, became alarmingly ill. The physician declared that some unusual malady had attacked Mrs. Herrick and said she would not live if she remained at home. She was taken to a hospital and there recovered.
E. P. Limeburner, brother of the widow, brother of the widow, said the most thorough investigation should and would be made.
[“Mysterious Deaths In Chicago Family – Three Persons Have Died, Including Wife and Then the Husband, and One Other Has Been Seriously Ill – Investigation Being Made.” St. Louis Post Post-Dispatch (Mo.), Aug. 12, 1900, p. 1]