1890s New York Alimony Club (informal)
1911 Anti-Alimony Association, New York
1926 Liga für Menschenrechte (international), Vienna, founded by Sigurd von Hoeberth (split into two organizations circa 1928: Aequitas (Hoeberth), Justicia (Koornblueh); journal “Self-Defense”
1927 Society of Disgruntled Alimony Payers, Chicago, founded by Mrs. Bessie Cooley
1927 Alimony Payers Protective Association, led by Robert Gilbert Ecob
1928 Fifty-Fifty League, London; manifesto “The Sex War”
1928 Tibet Men’s Rights organization (name of org. unknown), founded by Amouki
1931 National Sociological League, Dr. Alexander Dallek, executive secretary (another link)
1932 Alimony Club of New York County (Adolph Wodiska) (cited Jan. 9, 1932)
1932 Ohio Alimony Association, Cleveland
1933 National Divorce Reform League, Theodore Apstein (cited Feb. 14, 1933)
1935 Alimony Reform League, New York