The dates represent the year each of these female serial killers was tried for her crimes. The term “free-lance killer” denotes a Nazi who violated the official code of conduct by engaging in homicidal; acts for personal pleasure rather than governmental duty.
1945 – Hermine Braunsteiner– Concentration camp “free-lance killer”
1945 – Irma Grese– Concentration camp “free-lance killer”
1946 – Valentina Bilien– “Death panel“ nurse
1946 – Ella Schmidt, Liesel Bachor & Kathe Pisters– Official child care providers
1946 – Marianne Tuerk (Türk) &Margarethe Heubsch– “Death panel“ physicians
Ilse Koch has not been included because there is – despite her legend and the fact that she was indeed a vicious creature– no evidence that she was responsible for the human-skin lampshades or other homicidal acts attributed to her.