Jeanette van Nessen was born in the Netherlands, and she worked as a freelance assassin; she was known by Le Group to be a fierce killer. She was hired by the Black September Organization to assassinate Mossad agent Carl while he was in London, England to track down Ali Hassan Salameh, and she killed him after taking him to her bed. She had previously met the Mossad agent Avner Kaufman but had failed to pick him up; Avner made it his priority to hunt her down and kill her. He went against instructions to only kill people on the list [for Operation Wrath of God], and he contacted Le Group, which offered to track her down for free so that Kaufman would not think that they had sold him out. On August 21, 1974, she was tracked down to a houseboat in Hoorn, where Avner and his getaway driver Steve cornered her. She made one last attempt to attract Avner, sliding down her robes, saying that it would be a "fucking waste of talent" if they shot her. As she reached for her gun, she was shot by Avner and Steve, and she hugged her cat before sitting in a chair on the patio, where she began to bleed out and suffocate. The documents man Hans fired the last shot into her head, and her robes were left open, exposing her nude body. [Historica Wiki]
Van Neesen lived on a houseboat outside Hoorn. She reportedly charged over £80,000 per hit and did most of her work in South America.
[Poppy Danby, “World's deadliest female assassins - including mum-of-two who killed 115,” The Mirror (London), Aug. 19, 2019]