Maria Cícera dos Santos (“Cicera the Witch”) is accused of ordering a series of murders.
FULL TEXT (translated from Portuguese): Maria Cícera dos Santos, 51, the “Bruxa Cicinha” is behind bars. Considered the main drug dealer in the Remanso [municipality in Bahia, Brazil] area and who ordered several homicides in Propriá since 2015, she was arrested in compliance with a preventive arrest warrant, as she is charged with crimes of homicide, drug trafficking and criminal organization.
According to police officer Antônio Wellinton, “Bruxa Cicinha” is Nego Vitor's aunt, who is already in prison. “In partnership with her nephew, Maria Cícera managed several points of sale of narcotics, maintaining employees who had the function of contacting users to effect the sale of narcotics,” said Wellinton.
Also according to the delegate, the investigation revealed that Cícera had ordered the death of a man earlier this year, after the invasion of police agents to a residence used as an illegal drug sales point, administered by her, believing that he has been responsible for reporting the location of the business.
According to the delegate, on that occasion the police managed to seize a considerable amount of drugs and ammunition, “in addition to a deposit receipt in the amount of R $ 1,500.00, made in an account maintained by a prisoner who was serving time in the prison of Nossa Senhora. da Glória ”, stressed Antônio Wellinton.
The police were also able to ascertain that one of the gunmen who participated in the scheme was the man identified as Vinícius Bezerra, responsible for several murders in Propriá. He died in confrontation with the police after resisting the arrest warrant on July 26 this year.
[Police Arrest “Cicera the Witch,” Accused of Drug Trafficking and Several Murders” (“Polícia prende “Bruxa Cícera”, acusa de tráfico e homicídios Destaque Noticias”), (Brazil), Aug. 21, 2017]