Channel: Unknown Gender History
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Marie Knauer, Suspected Black Widow Serial Killer – California, 1903


FULL TEXT: San Francisco, Oct. 7. —The suit contesting the $60,000 estate left by Ferdinand Knauer, to his wife Marie, has developed some startling charges. The story of Mrs. Knauer's life as told in the suit is that she originally eloped to this country with a German army officer. She deserted' her husband and while living in Chicago induced the lieutenant whom she had married, and a son that they had adopted, to insure their lives in her favor. Both husband and son died of mysterious ailments, supposed to be due to poison. While the son was being buried Marie eloped with the undertaker and fled again for Germany. Her undertaker died suddenly. She then returned to America and came to San Francisco, setting up business as a massage artist. While here she became employed as a nurse to Mr. Knauer, aged 73 and induced to take a flat. Moved by her pitiful story that she had lost her husband, brother, son, and her dear old grandfather, Knauer was induced to marry her. In December a surgeon informed Knauer that an operation was necessary and to please his wife attached a codocil to his will bequeathing her all his estate. Knauer died, not surviving the operation. The suit is brought by Knauer's relatives.

[“Poisoned Husbands - Favorite Pastime of California Woman. - Sensation In A Will Contest - Widow Left $60,000 Accused of Having Made Way With Several Consorts.” The Evening Statesman (Walla Walla, Wa.), Oct. 7, 1903, p. 1]


FULL TEXT: On motion of A. Muenter, attorney for Marie Knauer, who is said to have inveigled the late Ferdinand Knauer, an aged German, into a marriage in order that she might secure his money, Mrs. Knauer's petition for a partial distribution to her of Knauer's estate was yesterday withdrawn and an order that the petition be dismissed was entered on the records of Judge Troutt's court.

The dismissal of the petition changes the aspect of the case, and will be used by the attorneys for the contestants of Knauer's will as proof that the alleged widow practically admits, by withdrawing the petition, that the claims of the contestant that she is not the widow are based on fact.

Attorney Muenter created quite a stir among the interested attorneys yesterday morning by informing them that he had been approached by people who told him that Knauer had left a son, and that the latter would soon come forward to fight for estate of his father. Muenter did not give the name of his informant, and vouchsafed no other information other than the statement that the son was supposed to be the child of a Mexican woman with whom, he said, Knauer had been intimate.

[“Mrs. Marie Knauer Stops Distribution Proceedings - Withdraws Petition for Partition of Decedent's Estate — Attorney Says Heir Has Been Found.” The Call (San Francisco, Ca.), Jan. 20, 1904, p. 4]






For links to other cases of woman who murdered 2 or more husbands (or paramours), see Black Widow Serial Killers.


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