FULL TEXT (translated from German): Szeged, June 27th. (Orig.-Telegr.) – In the neighboring village of Droßlamos, the gendarmerie arrested the wife Nacza Milosev and her husband, who are members of a Bacska [region] poisoning gang. Poisons and compromising letters about cases of poisoning were found among the prisoners. Eight accomplices of the named were also arrested.
[Pester Lloyd (Budapest, Hungary), 1894. 28. Juni. p. 7]
FULL TEXT: Szegedin, 27. Juni. (Orig.-Telegr.) – In der benachbarten Ortschaft Droßlámos verhastete die Gendarmerie die Frau Nacza Milosev und deren Mann, welche Mitglie der einer Bacskaer Giftmischerbande sind. Bei den Verhasteten wurden Gifte und kompromittirende Briefe über Vergiftungsfälle vorgefunden. Auch acht Komplizen der Genannten wurden verhastet.
[Pester Lloyd (Budapest, Hungary), 1894. 28. Juni. p. 7]
Droßlámos, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, Hungary
Bačka (Serbian: Бачка / Bačka, pronounced [bâːt͡ʃkaː]; Hungarian: Bácska, pronounced [ˈbaːt͡ʃkɒ]) is a geographical and historical area within the Pannonian Plain bordered by the river Danube to the west and south, and by the river Tisza to the east. It is divided between Serbia and Hungary. Most of the area is located within the Vojvodina region in Serbia and Novi Sad, the capital of Vojvodina, lies on the border between Bačka and Syrmia. The smaller northern part of the geographical area is located within Bács-Kiskun County, in Hungary.
For more than two dozen similar cases, dating from 1658 to 2011, see the summary list with links see: The Husband-Killing Syndicates