FULL TEXT (Translated from German): It is reported from Zombor [Sombor, Serbia]: A poisoning gang was discovered in Sajkasgyörgy [Serbia]. A search of the homes of Marie Racz, Milica Rudintzkt and Julie Rajko, found stores of poisons. The poisoners were arrested.
[“Female Poisoners,” (“Giftmischerinnen”), Die Neue Zeitung (Vienna, Austria), 1 Mai 1913, p. 5]
Sajkásgyörgye – Đurđevo (Serbian Cyrillic: Ђурђево) is a village located in the Žabalj municipality, in the South Bačka District of Serbia. It is situated in the autonomous province of Vojvodina. The village has a Serb ethnic majority and its population numbering 5,137 people (2002 census). Besides Serbs (numbering 3,538 people), the village also has a large Rusyn minority (numbering 1,197 people). In Serbian the village is known as Đurđevo (Ђурђево); in Russian as Дюрдьов; and in Hungarian as Sajkásgyörgye.
FULL TEXT: Aus Zombor meldet man uns: In Sajkasgyörgy wurde eine Giftmischerbande entdeckt. Bei den Frauen Marie Racz, Milica Rudintzkt und Julie Rajko wurden bei einer Hausdurchsuchung viele Giftmittel gefunden. Die Giftmischerinnen wurden verhaftet.
[“Giftmischerinnen.” Die Neue Zeitung (Vienna, Austria), 1 Mai 1913, p. 5]
For links to other cases of woman who murdered 2 or more husbands (or paramours), see Black Widow Serial Killers.