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Michaela G., Serial Killer Nurse – Germany, 2005

As a child, Michaela G. experienced “gender dysphoria.” She felt that she would rather be a boy than a girl. From hear early you. she was a compulsive liar. She lodged a false abuse accusation against her father, she lied to and manipulated psychotherapists time after time and she falsely claimed to have a brain tumor.

In 2003, at the age of 24 (about), she began working as a geriatric nurse aide in the Limbachstift hospice in Wachtberg-Berkum caring after elderly patients. In the early summer of 2005, hospice management became suspicious after four women had died in the presence of the nurse within a few months.

On Jan. 21, 2005, at her police interrogation, the 27-year-old initially admitted responsibility for three out of four deaths she was being investigated for. At the same time she confessed surprisingly three more acts. While the prosecutor's office was still investigating the 261 deaths that had occurred since Michaela G.'s entry into the old people's home in 1999, she admitted three more homicides.

She subsequently revoked this confession. She claimed to have invented the murder stories. But the confessions were detailed and without contradiction, completely consistent with post-mortem findings.

According to the indictment, she used pillows, towels or washcloths to suffocated eight elderly patients. In one instance, Michaela refused to help another woman in an asphyxiation attack. The deaths had initially aroused no suspicion. The residents of the retirement home, which offers around 130 places, are often seriously ill people. In every case, the doctors had certified a natural death.

Two autopsies concluded that violence was used against the deceased residents. One of the victims had probably even resisted. Because many of the deceased patients in question were cremated, exhumation and examination for cause of death was not possible.

On Feb. 22, 2006 Michaela G. was convicted of murder in four cases, manslaughter in four others and killing on request in one case to life imprisonment. The jury certified her as bearing special severity of guilt, a judgment which would limit parole. In his verdict statement, Presiding Judge Udo Buhren stated the killer’s motive was sometimes pity, but in other cases, she had simply annoyed by the patients. [Robert St. Estephe, Oct. 23, 2019]

[“Pflegerin wegen Tötung von neun Menschen angeklagt,” Berliner Morgenplast (Germany), Nov. 10, 2005]
[“Altenpflegerin : "Todesengel von Wachtberg" muss vor Gericht,” RP Online, Jan. 18, 2006]
[“Todesengel muss eine lebenslange Haft verbüßen,” Die Welt, Feb. 23, 2002]
[Rita Klein, “Todesengel muss eine lebenslange Haft verbüßen,” General-Anzeiger, 6. Oktober 2006]


FULL TEXT (translated from German): Bonn - Seven months after a series of mysterious deaths in a retirement home, the public prosecutor's office in Bonn has filed a lawsuit against a 27-year-old nursing assistant for the killing of nine elderly people. The so-called "angel of death of Wachtberg" murder in four cases, manslaughter in four cases and killing on request in another case, the prosecution Bonn. From November 2003 to April 2005, the woman in Limbach-Stift in Wachtberg near Bonn is said to have suffocated a total of eight patients between the ages of 78 and 93 with pillows, towels or washcloths. In another case, they deliberately failed to help a patient.  [AP, "Nurse accused of killing nine people," AP, “Pflegerin wegen Tötung von neun Menschen angeklagt,” Berliner Morgenplast (Germany), Nov. 10, 2005]


Michaela G., "Death Angel of Wachtberg"

Nov. 29, 2003-Apr. 24, 2005 --killed nine seriously ill patients, aged 79-93 in Limbachstift in Wachtberg-Berkum.
Early summer – suspicions aroused.
Jun. 21, 2005 – Michaela G. (27), arrested.
Jan. 19, 2006 – before the district court Bonn.
Fed. 22, 2006 – convicted of murder in four cases, manslaughter in four others and killing on request in one case to life imprisonment and certified her a special severity of guilt.



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