FULL TEXT: Aus Budapest, 23. d. M., wird telegraphirt: In Sobotka wurde gestern die Witwe des reformirten Predigers Ludwig Thuri auf Grund anonymer Anzeigen unter dem Ver dachte verhaftet, daß sie ihre dre verstorbenen Gatten durch Gift aus der Weltgeschafft habe. Sie leugnete zwar, doch fand man bei einer Durchsuchung ihrer Whonung größere Mengen Giftes vor.
[“Dreifacher Gattenmord.” Das Vaterland. Abendblatt. (Vienna, Austria), 24. Mai 1899. p. 3]
FULL TEXT (translated from German): From Budapest, 23. d. M., is telegraphed: In Sobotka yesterday the widow of the reformed preacher Ludwig Thuri was arrested on the basis of anonymous tips under the belief that she sent three deceased spouses from the world by means of poison. She denied it, but found a large amount of poison in a search of her apartment.
[“Three-Time Husband-Murderer.” Das Vaterland. Abendblatt. (Vienna, Austria), 24. Mai 1899. p. 3]
Sobótka is a town in Wrocław County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, in south-western Poland. It is the seat of the administrative district called Gmina Sobótka. Sobótka is located about 30 km southwest of Wrocław on the northern slope of Mount Ślęża, part of the Central Sudetes mountain range.
For links to other cases of woman who murdered 2 or more husbands (or paramours), see Black Widow Serial Killers.