The infamous website, The Good Men Project, whose ironic name really means -- “guide for making the politically incorrect sex into a socially engineered “gender” along neo-Marxist biology-denialist gynocentric ideological lines" -- has just put out one of its most drearily misandrist posts in its entire nine-year male-bashing history.
Here is the title of this polemical gem (this is nota parody):
“It’s Time to be Governed by Women: More men are realizing that women should be leading the world.” (Dec. 5, 2018).

And how 'bout that picture of political bio-bot Alexa Occasional-Cortex as a selling point? Top of the trend, n'est pas?
The author is one Tod Evans, a regular GMP contributor who promotes “spiritual ambiguity” (squishy post-modernist New Agey stuff, it would seem) in his dismal columns.
Mr. Evans condescends to explain to his humble (or humiliation-addicted) readers that: “Male toxicity drips from the support beams of our society like soggy mold on a rainy day. Securing any return to a reasonable, balanced civilization while maintaining a male dominant mindset is impossible. There is no road that will lead us to a more evolved planet without some revolutionary changes in our worldview. We need a new map.”
The Rape of Libya – which ended women’s rights and turned the country over to rule by terror, the re-institution of slave markets, and which involved multiple stand-down orders resulting the massacre of US citizens (all of them members of the disposable gender) – was accomplished by Hillary Rodham Clinton (Secretary of State), Susan Rice (Ambassador to the United Nations), Samantha Power (National Security Council). The atrocious story conjures up visions of the "Three Weird Sisters," the doom-spelling witches of Macbeth.
Or how about the great gynocratic leaders Angela Merkel and Theresa May, whose brilliant leadership achievements include importing rapists who are put on the dole. And then the Lady Leaders spend gobs of citizens’ hard earned money trying to cover up the crimes of the anti-Western (real) rape culture they have initiated.
Yet The Good Man Project remains focused on promoting the dogmas of the Post-Modernist / Frankfurt School Neo-Marxist theories of the condescending authoritarian professors of the new smugocracy. “Good Man” = Good Doggy. Its progressive, you see.
What are females in power like when unchecked by the crippling presence of toxic masculinity? Take a look at Women in Power: Aristocratic Female Serial Killersif you want something eye-opening.
Unlike Tod Evans, we at UhoM believe it is time to be ruled by logic, facts and courage, not by sappy post-modernism or simpleminded “critical theory.”
The wisdom of Empress Taitu: