A bizarre event occurred in Santa Maria la Ribera, in Mexico City in the months following the beginning of The Mexican Revolution in 1911. The two children were playing Alameda Maria Ortiz and Dionisio Silva. Two women came by, Juana Rodriguez and Rafaela Fragoso. They approached the children and, without warning, began to bite the children on their cheeks.
The children howled and screamed and hearing the commotion a policeman came to their aid. He arrested the two women arrested and them, along with their little victims, faces dripping with blood, to the police station. When questioned about the assault the ladies explained that when they spotted the little ones they found them delectable (antojaron) and thus bit into them. The event became known in the press as “The Case of the Apple Children” (“El Caso de los Niños Manzanas”). The strange attacker were jailed but the children were permanently scarred by the bites.
[Based on : “Juana Rodríguez y Rafaela Fragoso: ‘El Caso de los Niños Manzanas,’” Escrito con Sangre, Apr. 2004]
Other sources :
Augustín Sánchez González, Un Dulce Sabor A Muerte : De La Bejarano a la Miss México un siglio de mujeres criminales, Editorial: Planeta, 2009
Augustín Sánchez González, Terribilísima : Historias de Crímenes y Horrores : en la Ciudad de México en el siglo XIX, Ediciones B México, 2006
James Alex Garza, El Lado Oscuro Del Porfiriato: Sexo, crímenes y vicios en la Ciudad de México, Aguilar, 2009
James Alex Garza, El Lado Oscuro Del Porfiriato: Sexo, crímenes y vicios en la Ciudad de México, Aguilar, 2009
El libro rojo, Continuacion, V. I: 1868-1928, Gerardo Villadelángel Viñas, 2008
***For more cases, see: Women Who Like to Torture