• “[I]t cannot be assumed that men are bound to be an asset to family life or that the presence of fathers in families is necessarily a means to social cohesion” – Harriet Harman, Britain’s Minister for Women, 1990 Institute for Public Policy Research report, “The Family Way.”
• “Lesbian mothers use less corporal punishment and less power assertion than heterosexual fathers.” . . . “Families headed by two lesbian women had a zero-percent rate of child abuse.” . . . “The researchers . . . suspected that such family situations were more peaceful because no male tempers are involved.” – Dr. Nanette Gartrell, University of California, San Francisco & Dr. Henny M.W. Bos, assistant professor in Amsterdam, 2010.
See: Concerns – “The National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study” &Understanding Child Abuse
• “Lesbian mothers use less corporal punishment and less power assertion than heterosexual fathers.” . . . “Families headed by two lesbian women had a zero-percent rate of child abuse.” . . . “The researchers . . . suspected that such family situations were more peaceful because no male tempers are involved.” – Dr. Nanette Gartrell, University of California, San Francisco & Dr. Henny M.W. Bos, assistant professor in Amsterdam, 2010.
See: Concerns – “The National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study” &Understanding Child Abuse
They were the perfect family unit (according to the most progressive theories of family structure), a lesbian couple, and the three children they looked after were of the gender that needs to be socially engineered to be more like females. Rachel (Trelfa) Fee and her civil partner, Nyomi Fee, were very much in love. But the love was a woman-to-woman thing which did not quite extend to the little male creatures in their charge. For twins Matthew and JJ, and their baby brother Liam, it was not a world of love and kisses, but rather a horror story chronic and gruesome child abuse.
Rachel Trelfa lived with Joseph Johnson, the father of her three boys in northern England, not far from the Scottish border in the county of Trent and Wear. The twin boys were born in 2008; their youngest was born on Aug. 12, 2011. Rachel was unhappy; she discovered that she was sexually attracted to women. On Christmas 2011 Rachel, then 25, left her common-law husband, taking their three small sons with her.
She joined her new lover, Nyomi Fee, 23 – who, it should be noted, had studied childcare in college – and mode their temporary home at a local Travelodge motel – until April 8, 2012, Easter, when mother, lesbian partner and the three Johnson boys disappeared. They ended up in southern Scotland. The women held a wedding ceremony, complete with a traditional white wedding gown to celebrate their civil union on June 16, 2012. The boys were dressed up matching Scottish kilt costumes. Rachel changed her name to Fee.
The Fee family set up household in a rented house in the county of Fife. Ms. and Ms. Fee loved animals. Their household included a bevy of snakes, nine of them, including a boa constrictor, and a collection of rats to feed to the serpents, plus two dogs. Rachel even had a horse, stables off-site. As it turned it was the reptilian, canine and the equine members of the household that turned out to garner the greater share of the Fee women’s familial affection in comparison with the three human pets.
The physical and psychological torments inflicted by the Fees on the Johnson boys once they were snatched away from their father, were ignored by social workers, over and over and over again. It was not until after little Liam’s last breath was breathed on March 22, 2014 that the horrors of the fee household began to be revealed to others. The 2 1/2 year old corpse was an embodied catalogue of two years of constant battery, wound layered upon wound.
~ Torturing the Twins
Court testimony from the Fee trial on charges of child abuse and murder in the Spring of 2016 disclosed astonishing details of a sadism that is stunning in its cruelty and surprising in its imaginative variety. It is as if the couple were master crafts-persons of the fine art of pain-inflction. During the children’s time in Scotland under the control of the civil partners Fee, Matthew and JJ., four years old when taken away from their father’s home town, were literally tortured – both physically and psychologically – repeatedly and continuously.
Public reports do not specify which of the twins experienced which of the reported ordeals. We know that one of the twins – who at the time had an injured foot – bravely tried to make a prison break. He unwrapped his bandages and used them as a makeshift rope to lower himself out the window. He was caught and returned to the house of horrors only to undergo further torments and punishments for his temerity.
Both the twins were denied access to the toilet then forced to take freezing showers when they wet the bed, beaten, smacked and called humiliating names and deprived of food as a punishment. “They were then forced to take freezing showers when they wet the bed.”
One of the boys was warned that the household’s pet boa constrictor ate naughty little boys – a threat that was not actually an implausible one – and locked him naked and bound with cords to a chair in a dark room with the snakes and the rats kept in boxes for snake-food.
Mom and her wife loved to watch their favorite TV show, Shameless, a comedy-drama about a lower class alcoholic father of six, and get plastered on vodka. While the Shameless show was on the TV one of the boys was routinely tied up and caged, lest he try to make a run for it while his dominatrix minders were enthralled with their tawdry entertainments, presumably.
The Fee pair allegedly bound one boy’s arms and legs to a cot and on one occasion placed a cage on the boy’s head loaded with the rats the Fee women kept for feeding to the pet snakes. On other occasions, the boy was forced to eat his own excrement as well as dog feces, had soap put in his mouth. When on that horrible March evening when little Liam passed away it was this boy that was to be the women’s choice for scapegoat to take the blame for their crime.
The other of the twins was, he told his rescuers, threatened with having his penis off with a saw and he had to suffer as one of his many varied modes of punishment having soiled underwear rubbed over his face. On one occasion he was forced to eat his own vomit. The women told him he would bnever see his father again, that he had been murdered by Rachel and her partner using the saw they threatened the boys with.
In its abject vileness, the torments were extraordinary yet the most disgusting abuse was yet to come, in the minutes and hours following the death of their scarred, bruised and broken little brother.
Rachel Trelfa lived with Joseph Johnson, the father of her three boys in northern England, not far from the Scottish border in the county of Trent and Wear. The twin boys were born in 2008; their youngest was born on Aug. 12, 2011. Rachel was unhappy; she discovered that she was sexually attracted to women. On Christmas 2011 Rachel, then 25, left her common-law husband, taking their three small sons with her.
She joined her new lover, Nyomi Fee, 23 – who, it should be noted, had studied childcare in college – and mode their temporary home at a local Travelodge motel – until April 8, 2012, Easter, when mother, lesbian partner and the three Johnson boys disappeared. They ended up in southern Scotland. The women held a wedding ceremony, complete with a traditional white wedding gown to celebrate their civil union on June 16, 2012. The boys were dressed up matching Scottish kilt costumes. Rachel changed her name to Fee.
The Fee family set up household in a rented house in the county of Fife. Ms. and Ms. Fee loved animals. Their household included a bevy of snakes, nine of them, including a boa constrictor, and a collection of rats to feed to the serpents, plus two dogs. Rachel even had a horse, stables off-site. As it turned it was the reptilian, canine and the equine members of the household that turned out to garner the greater share of the Fee women’s familial affection in comparison with the three human pets.
The physical and psychological torments inflicted by the Fees on the Johnson boys once they were snatched away from their father, were ignored by social workers, over and over and over again. It was not until after little Liam’s last breath was breathed on March 22, 2014 that the horrors of the fee household began to be revealed to others. The 2 1/2 year old corpse was an embodied catalogue of two years of constant battery, wound layered upon wound.
~ Torturing the Twins
Court testimony from the Fee trial on charges of child abuse and murder in the Spring of 2016 disclosed astonishing details of a sadism that is stunning in its cruelty and surprising in its imaginative variety. It is as if the couple were master crafts-persons of the fine art of pain-inflction. During the children’s time in Scotland under the control of the civil partners Fee, Matthew and JJ., four years old when taken away from their father’s home town, were literally tortured – both physically and psychologically – repeatedly and continuously.
Public reports do not specify which of the twins experienced which of the reported ordeals. We know that one of the twins – who at the time had an injured foot – bravely tried to make a prison break. He unwrapped his bandages and used them as a makeshift rope to lower himself out the window. He was caught and returned to the house of horrors only to undergo further torments and punishments for his temerity.
Both the twins were denied access to the toilet then forced to take freezing showers when they wet the bed, beaten, smacked and called humiliating names and deprived of food as a punishment. “They were then forced to take freezing showers when they wet the bed.”
One of the boys was warned that the household’s pet boa constrictor ate naughty little boys – a threat that was not actually an implausible one – and locked him naked and bound with cords to a chair in a dark room with the snakes and the rats kept in boxes for snake-food.
Mom and her wife loved to watch their favorite TV show, Shameless, a comedy-drama about a lower class alcoholic father of six, and get plastered on vodka. While the Shameless show was on the TV one of the boys was routinely tied up and caged, lest he try to make a run for it while his dominatrix minders were enthralled with their tawdry entertainments, presumably.
The Fee pair allegedly bound one boy’s arms and legs to a cot and on one occasion placed a cage on the boy’s head loaded with the rats the Fee women kept for feeding to the pet snakes. On other occasions, the boy was forced to eat his own excrement as well as dog feces, had soap put in his mouth. When on that horrible March evening when little Liam passed away it was this boy that was to be the women’s choice for scapegoat to take the blame for their crime.
The other of the twins was, he told his rescuers, threatened with having his penis off with a saw and he had to suffer as one of his many varied modes of punishment having soiled underwear rubbed over his face. On one occasion he was forced to eat his own vomit. The women told him he would bnever see his father again, that he had been murdered by Rachel and her partner using the saw they threatened the boys with.
In its abject vileness, the torments were extraordinary yet the most disgusting abuse was yet to come, in the minutes and hours following the death of their scarred, bruised and broken little brother.
~ Little Liam’s Torments
Little Liam’s sufferings provided to the Fee women, it was later learned, much levity and mirth. They would text message each other about the physical abuse they would dish out to the little bad-gendered tyke. Nyomi sent this giggly text message to Rachel on January 26, 2014:
“Yip, bit lip, scratched eye when he walked into door yesterday when I was on the phone to you. LOL. “We knew it would bruise, it had to LOL. It’s Liam now graze on forehead and nose. Looking mighty fine ha ha.”
Little Liam’s sufferings provided to the Fee women, it was later learned, much levity and mirth. They would text message each other about the physical abuse they would dish out to the little bad-gendered tyke. Nyomi sent this giggly text message to Rachel on January 26, 2014:
“Yip, bit lip, scratched eye when he walked into door yesterday when I was on the phone to you. LOL. “We knew it would bruise, it had to LOL. It’s Liam now graze on forehead and nose. Looking mighty fine ha ha.”
Nyomis’s delighted reply: “LOL LOL. Looking mighty fine for Liam. LOL LOL.”
The lovers shared LOLs aplenty over childrearing concepts. Another text, retrieved by investigators, from Nyomi to Rachel, read:
“Kids should be drowned at birth to save problems. LOL.”
One might ask how such over-the-top chronic abuse could have gone unnoticed. The answer is that it was not. Gullible doctors and the incompetent and neglectful social worker assigned to look into multiple third-party reports about Liam’s condition, Lesley Bate, overlooked obvious evidence of severe abuse every time they were reported. In hearings later held to get to the bottom of the social service’s falures Ms. Bate’s superior later confessed that Liam’s case ‘fell off the radar” after Bate called in sick on April 1, 2014.
Yet the “radar” was working for those who cared after Liam at the nursery and neighbors who were disturbed by what they were able to observe when Liam was seen outside the house. These observers however had no idea that official social services workers could possibly ignore what they were conscientiously reporting in their efforts to help save little Liam.
The lovers shared LOLs aplenty over childrearing concepts. Another text, retrieved by investigators, from Nyomi to Rachel, read:
“Kids should be drowned at birth to save problems. LOL.”
One might ask how such over-the-top chronic abuse could have gone unnoticed. The answer is that it was not. Gullible doctors and the incompetent and neglectful social worker assigned to look into multiple third-party reports about Liam’s condition, Lesley Bate, overlooked obvious evidence of severe abuse every time they were reported. In hearings later held to get to the bottom of the social service’s falures Ms. Bate’s superior later confessed that Liam’s case ‘fell off the radar” after Bate called in sick on April 1, 2014.
Yet the “radar” was working for those who cared after Liam at the nursery and neighbors who were disturbed by what they were able to observe when Liam was seen outside the house. These observers however had no idea that official social services workers could possibly ignore what they were conscientiously reporting in their efforts to help save little Liam.
A sampling of reports from the Sunshine Nursery and a neighbor woman detailing tiny Liam’s state from the age of 15 months to 20 months are a horrifying record of a child being ground into the dust by chronic abuse.
Apr. 8, 2013 – Sunshine Nursery staff start to log the injuries Liam arrived with, recording bruises underneath his buttocks then a swollen lip and later bruises on his ears.
May 28, 2013 – Nurse Vanessa Galloway left “quite intimidated” by the Fees at parent’s evening. Nyomi Fee demands to know: “If he’s not autistic what the f*** is wrong with him?”
Jun. 3, 2013 – Staff records state Liam has black eye.
Jun. 4, 2013 – Rachel Fee arrives to collect her son at nursery and Liam had “look of fear on his face.” Staff call social services over their fears.
Sep. 2013 – A woman contacts social workers as she is worried Liam looks ‘deathly’ and could be being drugged.
But unbeknownst to the staff of Sunshine Nursery, little battered Liam’s case was completely “off the radar” and would remain so.
Liam Johnson was abused for four-fifths his entire extremely brief life span – starting soon after he was denied access to his daddy and removed from England to Scotland. It was discovered the ladies were in the habit of stuffing the toddler with the drug Calpol, an infant painkiller, to keep him quiet as he suffered from his untreated injuries.
March 2014 saw the emergence of a new irritant to the women’s household security. On March 7, Rachel sought the consultation of virtual oracle Google in search of a solution. She typed in the question, “My kid’s dad is taking me to court to have access. How can I stop him?” Nine days later the Google queries took a more overtly sinister turn: “What gets blood out of carpet?” was the big question on March 16.
These retrieved electronic snippets continued to make a record not only the decline of a horribly battered child but the stunning callousness of the self-centered women who tortured children, apparently, for the cruel fun of it. The evening of the 17th – at 6:19 pm – Rachel started browsing pages on the British National Health Services website. She did a keyword search for “broken leg.” She returned twenty minutes later to search the phrases: “jar my leg” and “jerked my leg, can’t walk.” And she looked over the NHS page titled “Hip Fractures.”
Two days passed and still Liam had received no medical aid of any kind. Rachel started getting mighty worried – not about Liam though, but about herself. On March 19 the mother went online again for virtual assistance, this time she picked Yahoo Answers. She looked at “What happens to a broken leg that gets untreated?” She looked up “broken hip.” And she looked up “how do you die of a broken hip?” She located a Yahoo Answers post answering the question “why does a broken hip sometimes lead to death?” and, showing she was learning something, she went after “how to prevent blood clots?” Her research produced a feeling of alarm leading her to work out an alternative strategy.
Two days passed and still Liam had received no medical aid of any kind. Rachel started getting mighty worried – not about Liam though, but about herself. On March 19 the mother went online again for virtual assistance, this time she picked Yahoo Answers. She looked at “What happens to a broken leg that gets untreated?” She looked up “broken hip.” And she looked up “how do you die of a broken hip?” She located a Yahoo Answers post answering the question “why does a broken hip sometimes lead to death?” and, showing she was learning something, she went after “how to prevent blood clots?” Her research produced a feeling of alarm leading her to work out an alternative strategy.
By 10:00 pm she was asking the internet to tell her “How long can you go to prison?”
Still, the Fees let the boy suffer from untreated injuries. The searches of the following day, March 21, included: “What can I give my three-year-old for pain?” and “what’s good for leg swelling?” “swelling on inner thigh and knee.”
Still, the Fees let the boy suffer from untreated injuries. The searches of the following day, March 21, included: “What can I give my three-year-old for pain?” and “what’s good for leg swelling?” “swelling on inner thigh and knee.”
Then Rachel began to start to think strategically: “Can social services gain access to my home?” This was the day before her son’s death.
– “can wives b in prison together?”
– “if you got to prison who pays your bills?”
– “can lesbians who are married [go] to jail together?”
~ Torturing the Twins
Court testimony from the Fee trial on charges of child abuse and murder in the Spring of 2016 disclosed astonishing details of a sadism that is stunning in its cruelty and surprising in its imaginative variety. It is as if the couple were master crafts-persons of the fine art of pain-inflction. During the children’s time in Scotland under the control of the civil partners Fee, Matthew and JJ., four years old when taken away from their father’s home town, were literally tortured – both physically and psychologically – repeatedly and continuously.
Public reports do not specify which of the twins experienced which of the reported ordeals. We know that one of the twins – who at the time had an injured foot – bravely tried to make a prison break. He unwrapped his bandages and used them as a makeshift rope to lower himself out the window. He was caught and returned to the house of horrors only to undergo further torments and punishments for his temerity.
Both the twins were denied access to the toilet then forced to take freezing showers when they wet the bed, beaten, smacked and called humiliating names and deprived of food as a punishment. “They were then forced to take freezing showers when they wet the bed.”
One of the boys was warned that the household’s pet boa constrictor ate naughty little boys – a threat that was not actually an implausible one – and locked him naked and bound with cords to a chair in a dark room with the snakes and the rats kept in boxes for snake-food.
Mom and her wife loved to watch their favorite TV show, Shameless, a comedy-drama about a lower class alcoholic father of six, and get plastered on vodka. While the Shameless show was on the TV one of the boys was routinely tied up and caged, lest he try to make a run for it while his dominatrix minders were enthralled with their tawdry entertainments, presumably.
The Fee pair allegedly bound one boy’s arms and legs to a cot and on one occasion placed a cage on the boy’s head loaded with the rats the Fee women kept for feeding to the pet snakes. On other occasions, the boy was forced to eat his own excrement as well as dog feces, had soap put in his mouth. When on that horrible March evening when little Liam passed away it was this boy that was to be the women’s choice for scapegoat to take the blame for their crime.
The other of the twins was, he told his rescuers, threatened with having his penis off with a saw and he had to suffer as one of his many varied modes of punishment having soiled underwear rubbed over his face. On one occasion he was forced to eat his own vomit. The women told him he would bnever see his father again, that he had been murdered by Rachel and her partner using the saw they threatened the boys with.
In its abject vileness, the torments were extraordinary yet the most disgusting abuse was yet to come, in the minutes and hours following the death of their scarred, bruised and broken little brother.
~ The Fees After Arrest
The Fees bolstered their fiction by adding the accusation that the 7-year-old had been “acting in a sexualized way” the toddler he had strangled. After talking to the boy, police were able to quickly see through the concoctions. The Fees, however, maintained their pure innocence concerning the death of Liam despite the bizarre and highly suspicious qualities of their household and the tales of abuse related by the surviving two boys.
The Fee home was vacated, the boys sent into state custody pending investigation. The Fee woman stayed with a friend of theirs named Sean Catherall a few days following Liam’s death. Catherall later reported about his friends (by then his former friends) that “they weren’t bothered” and that “they were sort of laughing, joking that they were going to get sent to jail for neglect … saying ‘do you think we’ll get the same cell together,’ stuff like that.”
The investigation of the boys’ abuse was lengthy. It was not until more than four months after Liam’s death and the twins’ rescue that the Fees were arrested (August 2, 2014). The pair maintained their innocence and stuck to their fictional account of strangling by the 7-year-old. On August 21 the Fee women appeared at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court and were charged with murder. They were released on bail. By September Nyomi was dealing heroin from her property in Ryton where the couple had retreated pending trial. “Northumbria Police confirmed they stormed the pair’s bail address in the summer of 2015, shortly before they were re-housed a few miles away in Chopwell. They . . . were later hounded out by locals and flitted to Dunfermline.”
The trial was held off until 2016. The High Court of Livingston commenced proceedings on April 12 and lasted seven weeks. The boys’ father testified the first day.
Each day after court the Fees took a taxi and as a source for the Scottish Sun reported “They were listening to how they murdered that wee boy and tortured the others but that didn’t put them off their sexual behaviour.” The moment they were in the taxis they were all over each other – kissing and cuddling. “Most of the drivers were uneasy about picking them up and wanted them out of their cars as soon as possible. Once the really bad evidence came out, the drivers basically went on strike because they were too sickened to take them.”
On May 31, 2016 the Fees were found guilty of eight charges. These included “ill treating and neglecting three children over a period of two years, assault, attempting to defeat the ends of justice by falsely incriminating another boy, failing to seek medical help, and one count of child murder.” They were each given mandatory life sentences with minimum terms in prison: for Nyomi, 24 years and for Rachel, 23 ½ years.
They were jailed temporarily in Cornton Vale and given adjacent cells. By June sources in the jail disclosed that Nyomi boasted of having connections to smuggle anything she wanted into her hand including drugs.”She was saying things like, ‘I’m going to take this place over. I’ll be the top girl.’” The jail source said that while in Cornton Vale Nyomi “totally dominated” Rachel who seemed to be “terrified” of her partner.
Lawyers for the couple filed an appeal in mid-June on the grounds there was insufficient evidence regarding the injury that led to Liam’s death. Investigations of the conduct of the social worker, Lesley Bate, who had ignored multiple reports of signs of abuse of Liam resulted in her being fired got “serious misconduct.” The investigation demonstrated she had also neglected fourteen other children.
An odd and yet unexplained detail (so far as our research can ascertain) is how Liam’s last name Johnson was changed after his death to Fee by his mother and partner.
[Robert St. Estephe]
Ryton, (near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyneside) Tyne and Wear county, England; Liam’s home with his father, Joseph Johnson.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Travelodge motel) – Fee couple’s interim lodgings.
Thornton, near Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland – home of the Fee couple, with 3 children.
Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court, Fife, Scotland
High Court in Livingston, West Lothington, Scotland.
Sunshine Nursery, Kimberly Trial, manager.
3 boys: Liam Johnson (Fee) (2 ½ ); JJ Johnson (7) and Matthew Johnson (7), twin brothers, age at time of Liam’s death.
2010 – “Fee was living with Liam’s father Joseph Johnson when she began an affair with Nyomi Fee in 2010.”
Summer 2011 – “Rachel Fee’s mother, Gail Trelfa, told how she was shocked by Nyomi Fee’s boozy antics at a children’s birthday party in the months before Liam’s birth, downing vodka at noon as youngsters played.”
Aug. 12, 2011 – Liam is born to mother Rachel Fee (then Trelfa) and father Joseph Johnson in Tyne and Wear (county). “born Liam Johnson and had his name changed by his killers to Fee when he died.”
Dec. 25, 2011 – She leaves Mr Johnson for Nyomi Fee. The couple live in hotels around Newcastle before moving to Fife, Scotland. “They stayed in a Travelodge until early in 2012 when they moved to a house at Thornton near Glenrothes.”
Apr. 8, 2012 – Contact with Liam’s father stops; Easter Sunday. Liam is 9-months-old.
Jun. 2012 – “After she became pregnant, they moved to Scotland and entered a civil partnership in June 2012.”
Jun. 16, 2012 – Rachel and Nyomi become civil partners in Kirkaldy.
Jul. 2012 – Liam starts going to childminder Heather Farmer, who lives nearby.
Oct. 8, 2012 – “Heather records Liam having ‘fading bruise to side of left thigh.’”
Oct. 22, 2012 – “Heather documents “marks on his back”.
Nov. 6, 2012 – “Heather notices bruises on Liam’s lip, left heel and legs.”
Jan. 9, 2013 – “Next are bruises on Liam’s forehead. Heather asks Rachel Fee what happened and said she was told the toddler fell out of cot.”
Jan. 14, 2013 – “Mrs Farmer tells Scottish Childminding Association and Care Inspectorate Liam has bruises and stops looking after him. A police officer and social worker visit Liam’s home but leave when told he has bumped his head.”
Jan. 15, 2013 – “Initial Referral Discussion (IRD) meeting held with social work, police and health representatives discussing Liam. Social worker and police officer sent to the Fee’s home. Told Liam ‘bumped his head,’ an explanation they deemed ‘plausible.’”
Feb. 18, 2013 – “8.30am - Liam arrives at childminder with an apparent injured neck.; 10.20am – “Heather waits outside local doctor’s surgery to see if Liam is taken to an appointment for it. He never arrives; 11.30am - Rachel Fee phones her to say she’s just come from doctor who’d said Liam’s teeth was the problem and she was getting Calpol.”
Mar. 2013 – Liam starts nursery. Staff contact social services over bruises and scratches.
Apr. 1, 2013 – “Social worker assigned to Liam’s case goes off work sick. Bosses later admit case ‘fell off the radar.’”
Apr. 8, 2013 – Nursery staff start log injuries Liam arrived with, recording bruises underneath his buttocks then a swollen lip and later bruises on his ears.
May 28, 2013 – Nursery nurse Vanessa Galloway left “quite intimidated” by the Fees at parent’s evening. Nyomi Fee demands to know: “If he’s not autistic what the f*** is wrong with him?”
Jun. 3, 2013 – Staff records state Liam has black eye.
Jun. 4, 2013 – Rachel Fee arrives to collect her son at nursery and Liam had “look of fear on his face”. Staff call social services over their fears.
Sep. 2013 – A woman contacts social workers as she is worried Liam looks ‘deathly’ and could be being drugged.
Jan.-Mar. 2014 – “They are also charged with wilfully ill-treating, neglecting and abandoning Liam in a manner likely to cause him unnecessary suffering or injury to health between January and March 2014, leaving him in a darkened room without physical or mental stimulation, giving him Calpol to make him sleep and failing to provide and seek appropriate, timely and adequate medical aid for him when he was injured.”
Jan. 26, 2014 – A message from Nyomi Fee’s phone to her partner’s on January 26, 2014, said: “Yip, bit lip, scratched eye when he walked into door yesterday when I was on the phone to you. LOL. “We knew it would bruise, it had to LOL. It’s Liam now graze on forehead and nose. Looking mighty fine ha ha.” The reply came: “LOL LOL. Looking mighty fine for Liam. LOL LOL.”
Mar. 7, 2014 – her device Googled: “My kid’s dad is taking me to court to have access. How can I stop him?”
Mar. 16, 2014 – “Checks of Nyomi Fee’s phone found a Google search for “what gets blood out of carpet?” on March 16, 2014.” heart punctured on Mar. 16?, 21?
Mar. 17, 2014 – At 6.19 pm the next day [on Mar. 17], there was a search for “broken leg” then an NHS page on the subject was accessed. Twenty minutes later, the searches were “jar my leg” and “jerked my leg, can’t walk”. An NHS Choices page on “hip fractures” was clicked on.
Mar. 19, 2014 – A Yahoo Answers page for “What happens to a broken leg that gets untreated?” was entered on March 19, three days before the tot’s death. Minutes later “broken hip” and “how do you die of a broken hip?” were searched. A Yahoo Answers page for “why does a broken hip sometimes lead to death?” was opened followed by a “how to prevent blood clots?” search.
Mar. 19, 2014 – The Fees search Google for terms including: ‘Will a hip fracture heal on its own?’, and ‘Can wives go to prison together?’. Her phone accessed a Yahoo Answers page for “Can you die from a broken bone?” on March 19. Searches on Amazon for children’s medication, bandages and ankle supports followed the next day. By 10pm the search was: “How long can you go to prison?”
Mar. 21, 2014 – searches included: “What can I give my three-year-old for pain?” and “what’s good for leg swelling?” That night the phone was used to look up “can wives b in prison together?”, “if you got (sic) to prison who pays your bills?” and “can lesbians who are married hot (sic) to jail together?”; the day before Liam died – Nyomi Fee’s phone checked: “Can social services gain access to my home?” By 7pm, it was searching for “signs of fractured hip” and “swelling on inner thigh and knee.”
Mar. 21, 2014 – heart punctured on 21? (or 16?). ““Social workers had contact with Liam Fee’s killers just 24 hours before he died.”
Mar. 22, 2014 – “In the 999 call made [7.55pm] on March 22, a distressed Nyomi Fee can be heard sobbing and saying “oh god, oh god” and “please, please” as she attempts to perform CPR on Liam with the help of the operator.” Paramedics arrive minutes later. Liam is found dead with an untreated broken leg. – Horse: Mr McConnachie asked: “How can it be that on March 22 you spent three hours at the stable looking after your horse?” Fee replied: “I didn’t mean to spend three hours at the stable. It was like that because of the way the lifts worked out. I couldn’t get anyone to look after William. William is the horse.” [trial testimony] “Scottish SPCA officers removed nine snakes, a family of rats and two dogs were removed from the property on the day of his death.” –The trial heard a recording of a panicked phone call made that evening for an ambulance. Nyomi was heard saying: “Can you please hurry up, my baby’s not breathing.”I think he’s dead, he’s not breathing, he’s white.” But she was already blaming Liam’s death on another child. She goes on to say: “He held his mouth closed, he said he held his mouth closed and his neck because he was crying, because he was trying to hurt him.”
Aug. 2, 2014 – The couple are arrested and charged but claim another young boy is to blame.
Aug. 21, 2014 – “Fees appear at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court charged with Liam’s murder.”
Sep. 2014 – the “pair shacked up in her £90,000 semi in Fee’s home town of Ryton, Tyne and Wear. Fee began dealing heroin from the house soon afterwards.”
Apr. 12, 2016 – Trial begins. The High Court in Livingston. Father testifies.
May 31, 2016 – guilty; “The eight charges in total, include ill treating and neglecting three children over a period of two years, assault, and one count of child murder against their two-year-old son Liam. They were also found guilty of attempting to defeat the ends of justice by falsely incriminating another boy for Liam’s death and that they failed to seek medical help.” “Receiving mandatory life sentences, Nyomi Fee was ordered to spend a minimum of 24 years in prison, while Liam’s mother Rachel was told she must serve behind bars for 23-and-a-half years.”
Jul. 10, 2016 – Nyomi Fee – “Fee bragged about her access to drugs, how she could get anything she wanted smuggled into her. “She was saying things like, ‘I’m going to take this place over. I’ll be the top girl.’” During their time in Cornton Vale, Nyomi Fee is said to have totally dominated her partner, who appeared terrified of her. [reported Jul. 10]
Jul. 15, 2016 – newspapers announce appeal has been filed.
Sep. 20, 2016 – Lesley Bate, social worker for Liam Fee, fired for ‘serious misconduct’ that amounted to neglect of 15 children.
Ryton, (near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyneside) Tyne and Wear county, England; Liam’s home with his father, Joseph Johnson.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Travelodge motel) – Fee couple’s interim lodgings.
Thornton, near Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland – home of the Fee couple, with 3 children.
Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court, Fife, Scotland
High Court in Livingston, West Lothington, Scotland.
Sunshine Nursery, Kimberly Trial, manager.
3 boys: Liam Johnson (Fee) (2 ½ ); JJ Johnson (7) and Matthew Johnson (7), twin brothers, age at time of Liam’s death.
2010 – “Fee was living with Liam’s father Joseph Johnson when she began an affair with Nyomi Fee in 2010.”
Summer 2011 – “Rachel Fee’s mother, Gail Trelfa, told how she was shocked by Nyomi Fee’s boozy antics at a children’s birthday party in the months before Liam’s birth, downing vodka at noon as youngsters played.”
Aug. 12, 2011 – Liam is born to mother Rachel Fee (then Trelfa) and father Joseph Johnson in Tyne and Wear (county). “born Liam Johnson and had his name changed by his killers to Fee when he died.”
Dec. 25, 2011 – She leaves Mr Johnson for Nyomi Fee. The couple live in hotels around Newcastle before moving to Fife, Scotland. “They stayed in a Travelodge until early in 2012 when they moved to a house at Thornton near Glenrothes.”
Apr. 8, 2012 – Contact with Liam’s father stops; Easter Sunday. Liam is 9-months-old.
Jun. 2012 – “After she became pregnant, they moved to Scotland and entered a civil partnership in June 2012.”
Jun. 16, 2012 – Rachel and Nyomi become civil partners in Kirkaldy.
Jul. 2012 – Liam starts going to childminder Heather Farmer, who lives nearby.
Oct. 8, 2012 – “Heather records Liam having ‘fading bruise to side of left thigh.’”
Oct. 22, 2012 – “Heather documents “marks on his back”.
Nov. 6, 2012 – “Heather notices bruises on Liam’s lip, left heel and legs.”
Jan. 9, 2013 – “Next are bruises on Liam’s forehead. Heather asks Rachel Fee what happened and said she was told the toddler fell out of cot.”
Jan. 14, 2013 – “Mrs Farmer tells Scottish Childminding Association and Care Inspectorate Liam has bruises and stops looking after him. A police officer and social worker visit Liam’s home but leave when told he has bumped his head.”
Jan. 15, 2013 – “Initial Referral Discussion (IRD) meeting held with social work, police and health representatives discussing Liam. Social worker and police officer sent to the Fee’s home. Told Liam ‘bumped his head,’ an explanation they deemed ‘plausible.’”
Feb. 18, 2013 – “8.30am - Liam arrives at childminder with an apparent injured neck.; 10.20am – “Heather waits outside local doctor’s surgery to see if Liam is taken to an appointment for it. He never arrives; 11.30am - Rachel Fee phones her to say she’s just come from doctor who’d said Liam’s teeth was the problem and she was getting Calpol.”
Mar. 2013 – Liam starts nursery. Staff contact social services over bruises and scratches.
Apr. 1, 2013 – “Social worker assigned to Liam’s case goes off work sick. Bosses later admit case ‘fell off the radar.’”
Apr. 8, 2013 – Nursery staff start log injuries Liam arrived with, recording bruises underneath his buttocks then a swollen lip and later bruises on his ears.
May 28, 2013 – Nursery nurse Vanessa Galloway left “quite intimidated” by the Fees at parent’s evening. Nyomi Fee demands to know: “If he’s not autistic what the f*** is wrong with him?”
Jun. 3, 2013 – Staff records state Liam has black eye.
Jun. 4, 2013 – Rachel Fee arrives to collect her son at nursery and Liam had “look of fear on his face”. Staff call social services over their fears.
Sep. 2013 – A woman contacts social workers as she is worried Liam looks ‘deathly’ and could be being drugged.
Jan.-Mar. 2014 – “They are also charged with wilfully ill-treating, neglecting and abandoning Liam in a manner likely to cause him unnecessary suffering or injury to health between January and March 2014, leaving him in a darkened room without physical or mental stimulation, giving him Calpol to make him sleep and failing to provide and seek appropriate, timely and adequate medical aid for him when he was injured.”
Jan. 26, 2014 – A message from Nyomi Fee’s phone to her partner’s on January 26, 2014, said: “Yip, bit lip, scratched eye when he walked into door yesterday when I was on the phone to you. LOL. “We knew it would bruise, it had to LOL. It’s Liam now graze on forehead and nose. Looking mighty fine ha ha.” The reply came: “LOL LOL. Looking mighty fine for Liam. LOL LOL.”
Mar. 7, 2014 – her device Googled: “My kid’s dad is taking me to court to have access. How can I stop him?”
Mar. 16, 2014 – “Checks of Nyomi Fee’s phone found a Google search for “what gets blood out of carpet?” on March 16, 2014.” heart punctured on Mar. 16?, 21?
Mar. 17, 2014 – At 6.19 pm the next day [on Mar. 17], there was a search for “broken leg” then an NHS page on the subject was accessed. Twenty minutes later, the searches were “jar my leg” and “jerked my leg, can’t walk”. An NHS Choices page on “hip fractures” was clicked on.
Mar. 19, 2014 – A Yahoo Answers page for “What happens to a broken leg that gets untreated?” was entered on March 19, three days before the tot’s death. Minutes later “broken hip” and “how do you die of a broken hip?” were searched. A Yahoo Answers page for “why does a broken hip sometimes lead to death?” was opened followed by a “how to prevent blood clots?” search.
Mar. 19, 2014 – The Fees search Google for terms including: ‘Will a hip fracture heal on its own?’, and ‘Can wives go to prison together?’. Her phone accessed a Yahoo Answers page for “Can you die from a broken bone?” on March 19. Searches on Amazon for children’s medication, bandages and ankle supports followed the next day. By 10pm the search was: “How long can you go to prison?”
Mar. 21, 2014 – searches included: “What can I give my three-year-old for pain?” and “what’s good for leg swelling?” That night the phone was used to look up “can wives b in prison together?”, “if you got (sic) to prison who pays your bills?” and “can lesbians who are married hot (sic) to jail together?”; the day before Liam died – Nyomi Fee’s phone checked: “Can social services gain access to my home?” By 7pm, it was searching for “signs of fractured hip” and “swelling on inner thigh and knee.”
Mar. 21, 2014 – heart punctured on 21? (or 16?). ““Social workers had contact with Liam Fee’s killers just 24 hours before he died.”
Mar. 22, 2014 – “In the 999 call made [7.55pm] on March 22, a distressed Nyomi Fee can be heard sobbing and saying “oh god, oh god” and “please, please” as she attempts to perform CPR on Liam with the help of the operator.” Paramedics arrive minutes later. Liam is found dead with an untreated broken leg. – Horse: Mr McConnachie asked: “How can it be that on March 22 you spent three hours at the stable looking after your horse?” Fee replied: “I didn’t mean to spend three hours at the stable. It was like that because of the way the lifts worked out. I couldn’t get anyone to look after William. William is the horse.” [trial testimony] “Scottish SPCA officers removed nine snakes, a family of rats and two dogs were removed from the property on the day of his death.” –The trial heard a recording of a panicked phone call made that evening for an ambulance. Nyomi was heard saying: “Can you please hurry up, my baby’s not breathing.”I think he’s dead, he’s not breathing, he’s white.” But she was already blaming Liam’s death on another child. She goes on to say: “He held his mouth closed, he said he held his mouth closed and his neck because he was crying, because he was trying to hurt him.”
Aug. 2, 2014 – The couple are arrested and charged but claim another young boy is to blame.
Aug. 21, 2014 – “Fees appear at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court charged with Liam’s murder.”
Sep. 2014 – the “pair shacked up in her £90,000 semi in Fee’s home town of Ryton, Tyne and Wear. Fee began dealing heroin from the house soon afterwards.”
Apr. 12, 2016 – Trial begins. The High Court in Livingston. Father testifies.
May 31, 2016 – guilty; “The eight charges in total, include ill treating and neglecting three children over a period of two years, assault, and one count of child murder against their two-year-old son Liam. They were also found guilty of attempting to defeat the ends of justice by falsely incriminating another boy for Liam’s death and that they failed to seek medical help.” “Receiving mandatory life sentences, Nyomi Fee was ordered to spend a minimum of 24 years in prison, while Liam’s mother Rachel was told she must serve behind bars for 23-and-a-half years.”
Jul. 10, 2016 – Nyomi Fee – “Fee bragged about her access to drugs, how she could get anything she wanted smuggled into her. “She was saying things like, ‘I’m going to take this place over. I’ll be the top girl.’” During their time in Cornton Vale, Nyomi Fee is said to have totally dominated her partner, who appeared terrified of her. [reported Jul. 10]
Jul. 15, 2016 – newspapers announce appeal has been filed.
Sep. 20, 2016 – Lesley Bate, social worker for Liam Fee, fired for ‘serious misconduct’ that amounted to neglect of 15 children.
[James Moncur, “In pictures: Twin brothers of two-year-old Liam Fee questioned by police and social services probing his death,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), Mar. 25, 2014]
[Richard Spillett, “Pictured: Two-year-old autistic boy who was found dead at family home in mystery incident,” Daily Mail (London, England), Mar. 26, 2014, Updated: Apr. 8, 2016]
[Mark Duell, “Mother and lesbian lover ‘murdered two-year-old toddler and blamed the killing on a seven-year-old boy’,” Daily Mail (London), Apr. 11, 2016]
[“Liam Fee murder trial: Dad tells of call saying son was dead, The Courier (Dundee, Scotland), Apr. 12, 2016]
[“Liam Fee murder: Trial hears strangle claim in 999 call,” BBC, Apr. 12, 2016]
[Alan McEwen “Liam Fee murder trial: Police witness reveals texts and Google history on the phones of murder accused,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 13, 2016 – (updated May 26, 2016)]
[Chris Clements, “Liam Fee murder trial: Mother spent three hours with her horse on the day the toddler died,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 21, 2016; (updated May 26, 2016)]
[Anthony Bond, Alan McEwen , Lucy Christie, “Liam Fee: Terrified captive boy used foot bandages to abseil out of window in desperate escape bid,” Mirror (London, England), May 31, 2016]
[Rachel Watson (The Scottish Daily Mail) & Richard Spillett (MailOnline), “Lesbian killers who brutally murdered their son after Googling ‘Can wives be in prison together?’ ARE being held in cells just yards from each other,” Daily Mail (London), Jun. 2, 2016]
[Gordon Tait, “Liam Fee’s killer started dealing heroin after tot’s death,” The Scottish Sun (Glasgow, Scotland), Jun. 2, 2016]
[Gordon Tait, “Liam Fee murderers romped on cab seats after court,” The Scottish Sun (Glasgow, Scotland), Jun. 2, 2016]
[Alan McEwen, “Timeline of neglect shows the missed chances to save Liam Fee from his tragic fate,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 31, 2016]
[By Record Reporter, “Twisted mother and civil partner found guilty of torture and murder of toddler Liam Fee,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 31, 2016]
[By Record Reporter, “Nyomi Fee studied child care at college but sadist bully soon turned into a child killer,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 31, 2016]
[Andrew Anderson, “The shocking abuse of toddler Liam Fee,” BBC Scotland News, May 31, 2016]
[Emma Glanfield, “‘Cruel and pitiless’ lesbian killers who Googled ‘Can wives be in prison together?’ are jailed for life for battering two-year-old Liam Fee to death – but they WON’T be in the same prison,” Daily Mail (London), Jul 6, 2016; contains a chronology]
[Norman Silvester, “Twisted Liam Fee baby killer boasts she’ll be boss in jail,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), Jul. 10, 2016]
[James Dunn, “Social worker responsible for toddler Liam Fee who was murdered by his mother and her lesbian lover is thrown out of the profession for ‘neglect’,” Daily Mail (London, England), Sep. 20, 2016]
[James Moncur, “In pictures: Twin brothers of two-year-old Liam Fee questioned by police and social services probing his death,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), Mar. 25, 2014]
[Richard Spillett, “Pictured: Two-year-old autistic boy who was found dead at family home in mystery incident,” Daily Mail (London, England), Mar. 26, 2014, Updated: Apr. 8, 2016]
[Mark Duell, “Mother and lesbian lover ‘murdered two-year-old toddler and blamed the killing on a seven-year-old boy’,” Daily Mail (London), Apr. 11, 2016]
[“Liam Fee murder trial: Dad tells of call saying son was dead, The Courier (Dundee, Scotland), Apr. 12, 2016]
[“Liam Fee murder: Trial hears strangle claim in 999 call,” BBC, Apr. 12, 2016]
[Alan McEwen “Liam Fee murder trial: Police witness reveals texts and Google history on the phones of murder accused,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 13, 2016 – (updated May 26, 2016)]
[Chris Clements, “Liam Fee murder trial: Mother spent three hours with her horse on the day the toddler died,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 21, 2016; (updated May 26, 2016)]
[Anthony Bond, Alan McEwen , Lucy Christie, “Liam Fee: Terrified captive boy used foot bandages to abseil out of window in desperate escape bid,” Mirror (London, England), May 31, 2016]
[Rachel Watson (The Scottish Daily Mail) & Richard Spillett (MailOnline), “Lesbian killers who brutally murdered their son after Googling ‘Can wives be in prison together?’ ARE being held in cells just yards from each other,” Daily Mail (London), Jun. 2, 2016]
[Gordon Tait, “Liam Fee’s killer started dealing heroin after tot’s death,” The Scottish Sun (Glasgow, Scotland), Jun. 2, 2016]
[Gordon Tait, “Liam Fee murderers romped on cab seats after court,” The Scottish Sun (Glasgow, Scotland), Jun. 2, 2016]
[Alan McEwen, “Timeline of neglect shows the missed chances to save Liam Fee from his tragic fate,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 31, 2016]
[By Record Reporter, “Twisted mother and civil partner found guilty of torture and murder of toddler Liam Fee,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 31, 2016]
[By Record Reporter, “Nyomi Fee studied child care at college but sadist bully soon turned into a child killer,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), May 31, 2016]
[Andrew Anderson, “The shocking abuse of toddler Liam Fee,” BBC Scotland News, May 31, 2016]
[Emma Glanfield, “‘Cruel and pitiless’ lesbian killers who Googled ‘Can wives be in prison together?’ are jailed for life for battering two-year-old Liam Fee to death – but they WON’T be in the same prison,” Daily Mail (London), Jul 6, 2016; contains a chronology]
[Norman Silvester, “Twisted Liam Fee baby killer boasts she’ll be boss in jail,” Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), Jul. 10, 2016]
[James Dunn, “Social worker responsible for toddler Liam Fee who was murdered by his mother and her lesbian lover is thrown out of the profession for ‘neglect’,” Daily Mail (London, England), Sep. 20, 2016]
Males should not be allowed to raise children. If you disagree, please read these 2 pieces, and “viralise” them:
Rachel & Nyomi Fee, Civil Partners – Sadistic Child Torturers who Murdered a Toddler – Scotland, 2014
Concerns – “The National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study” & Understanding Child Abuse